Triple Water Astrology – The Anaretic Degree! Sun in Virgo 2015 newsletter

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Hello again and welcome to Mercury-ruled Sun in Virgo. Mercury starts the month in his home sign and exaltation, although he will quickly move into Libra and then retrograde before the month’s end. Other major events this month in the heavens include Sun making an exact conjunction with Jupiter, and Saturn crawling into the Sagittarius sign, not to see Scorpio for another 29 years. Venus ends her retrograde this month, and the Uranus-Neptune-Pluto trio continue to retrograde all month. Also of interest, Juno (relatedness) enters the Libra sign. Therefore, this month has plenty of variety and activity.

Mercury’s symbolism deserves careful consideration with Sun in Virgo. Mercury has two home signs/dominions that suit him well, but they are rather disjointed, and in fact, square by sign. The Gemini sign is airy and Gemini Mercury likes to gather information, socialize, network for business reasons, and hop around town for business or pleasure. My impression of the Gemini sign with Mercury is that it’s more associated with siblings, although I would welcome different opinions regarding my impression. Mercury in Virgo – three signs past Gemini – has evolved into taking information that has been gathered and analyzing, dissecting, and evaluating it. Critiquing information and meticulously parsing it is Virgo Mercury’s strength. Of interest, both Gemini and Virgo are mutable signs – flexible, adaptable, and adept at mopping up details of projects and multitasking. The earthy quality of the Virgo sign is quite fascinating when Mercury is considered, with a sense of grounded and thoughtful attention to every detail. Virgo is about work and service. Mother Teresa had Sun in Virgo, as a poignant example of Virgo and service. I also have observed that the two most intelligent people I have ever met have Suns in Mercury’s signs. One is a Gemini and the other is a Virgo! Frank Piechoski (astrologer) has done research that suggests Virgo Suns, to my memory, have the highest distribution of geniuses throughout the population (I would defer to Frank’s research as I don’t exactly remember how he exactly characterized it). Also of interest, the greatest frequency of Sun signs among billionaires is Virgo.

One final note before the four usual topics: I have started analysis of U.S. Presidential candidates. I recommend following my Facebook page, where you may observe and even participate in the analysis if you so choose. A few enticing tidbits: Trump’s charts look VERY good and I expect that he will obtain what he wants, although that may not be the Presidency. Biden will likely enter the race and his charts point to September as the time to announce.

Let’s see what else the heavens portend for this month.

The “behind the scenes authority” theme will end with Saturn’s ingress into Sagittarius on September 17. Saturn leaves mutual reception with Pluto, however, he will square Jupiter for a while. The big picture with Saturn shifts from a struggle between maintaining the status quo in institutions (government, business, major religions, many other factors) and breaking down and transforming them. A sense of inevitable renewal and a push back against it ends as a salient theme in the short term, however, my inclination is that the latest Saturn-Pluto struggle is indicative of the overarching shift from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. More practically, the workplace likely will have a lighter feel on average. Those who were able to intuit and anticipate moves from those in structural power probably found benefit from doing so, if only it meant finding ways to keep a target off of your back!

The Jupiter-Saturn square has a rather negative connotation in popular astrology, based on what I’ve seen. Saturn is stronger by sign in the Jupiter-Saturn square that we’re seeing, due to Jupiter a bit enervated in the Virgo sign. I like to think of Jupiter-Saturn in the context of “controlled expansion” and this can be of great use in career, even with the two square. Saturn is restriction and Jupiter is growth, and the two contradict each other. However, those who find ways to reconcile the tension of the square have decent odds of expanding their limits (Saturn) through Jupiter’s optimism, abundance, and good fortune.

Mercury enters the Libra sign on August 27 and he goes retrograde on September 17. Mercury in Libra is an opportunity to refresh contacts inside and outside of career and use collaboration to finish projects faster or implement and use the finished product more effectively. Mercury does well in the air signs, so leaving his exaltation is not such a jolt. More reading and exchange of ideas applied to career and work tends to be effective with Mercury in Libra. The retrograde occurs at a most fascinating place in the zodiac: Mercury opposes his tutor, Uranus, and both are retrograde! More insight can be attained via looking at your own chart (I have natal Uranus opposite Mars lining up with transiting Mercury-Uranus when the retrograde will initiate), however, it’s an awesome opportunity for everyone to pause and use Mercury’s logic and Uranus’ endless knowledge to discover ways to move your agenda forward. Mercury/Uranus in the axis of relationships suggests that a collaborative/cooperative slant on this concept also works well. Both planets retrograde give the impression of false starts, but also the idea of breaking new ground. The retrograde starts when Saturn shifts into Sagittarius, and a sense of determination and discipline combined with the “controlled expansion” and “amped up thought” themes makes the phrase “try, try again” potentially very productive.

September 17 is a day to mark on your calendar and perhaps time goals to be completed or have a milestone reached. The fact that Mercury retrogrades on the same day Saturn changes signs is significant and the planets repeat themselves, also giving me pause. For example, Saturn enters Jupiter’s sign as he squares Jupiter, and Mercury in Venus’ sign is the focal point of a half-kite pattern including his tutor, Uranus, and Venus in Leo. Jupiter makes an opposition to Neptune this month, but perhaps of more use, he makes a nice trine to Pluto and it becomes stronger as this month progresses. Despite the gyrations in the stock market and increasing rhetoric in the Presidential primaries, those who focus on “abundance of power” and “transformation through growth” might benefit greatly, particularly with Jupiter-Pluto in earth (material) signs. This month contains a nice theme of expanding power, with Jupiter and Pluto in harmony.

Sun in Virgo is a time for taking prudent action regarding finances. I also like the symbolism of Mercury with Sun in Virgo, considering past, present, and future in order to determine how to prosper and maintain material stability. Sun and Jupiter, a planetary pair, bode reasonably well for purchases this month and paying attention to the details of personal finances.

I don’t specialize in financial astrology. I have my own opinion about the recent correction, however. Janet Yellen (Fed chair) is giving an impression that isn’t exactly reassuring these days! In the past I’ve heard her mention something about a “managed crash”. I have no doubt that she is very adept in theory (and I haven’t looked at her chart, but would expect Poseidon to be influential in her natal promise), but can she act practically in the real world in order to steer the economy optimally using monetary policy? Perhaps that is the thunder of Sun-Jupiter in Virgo. Are Sun-Jupiter signaling that Yellen has one last chance? Or ironically, are the two signaling the start of a major crash?

At risk of sounding uncreative, I suggest making major purchases before Mercury goes retrograde this month, other things equal. I like the beginning of the month for analysis regarding purchases (Mercury in Virgo) and then using information and contacts to obtain the best deal or find the exactly appropriate item for your needs. Specific dates that might work best for purchases (and the transits should be compared to your personal charts) include August 26 and September 5. Generally dates before September 17 work best (and I realize that Mercury is entering a shadow period before the retrograde – indeed, due diligence is always called for wherever Mercury might be and despite his motion). With Mercury in Libra, focusing carefully on the substance of contracts and reading everything thoroughly before signing (assuming the agreement works for you) is of course to your advantage.

The month starts with close relationships focused on work and communication. Juno (relatedness) enters Libra on September 17 – what is going on with September 17 this month? Juno moving into Libra is a significant change in how close relationships manifest. Juno moving into Venus’ sign is generally a plus for close relationships. While that doesn’t guarantee that life suddenly will be easier, given the effort, greater cooperation, increased productivity through collaboration, and a sense of increased harmony in close relationships is possible. It can even be an exciting time in close relationships, with Juno entering Libra signaling an intense period of focusing on future direction. Juno will be making an exact sextile to Saturn around September 17. The sextile starts on about September 5 and lasts until the end of the month. This might be a wet blanket on the more uplifting themes of Juno entering Libra, however, Juno-Saturn is also an opportunity to learn from the past, create useful structure in close relationships, and implement difficult work in order to move close relationships forward.

Venus goes direct on September 6. She is also conjunct Mars throughout the month. Venus-Mars in Leo is generally fun for relationships. Relationships tend to be more romantic and fiery, and focusing on finishing projects with other people can be useful with Venus in Leo. Venus in Leo tends to be a bit more independent, and she makes a trine to Uranus throughout the entire month, increasing the “independence” theme in relationships. Being spontaneous and generating ideas/brainstorming with other people are more prominent this month.

Cupido (Transneptunian/marriage, family, togetherness) is somewhat inert this month. Enjoying activities with your significant other, family, and “clan” works well from September 15 to 17 with Sun aspecting Cupido (Mars aspects Cupido from about September 12 to 16 and therefore Sun-Mars both aspect Cupido for about two days). Cupido in Jupiter’s sign for so long has probably been uplifting for family life, but also has probably contributed to excesses. Cupido, the “first” hypothetical Transneptunian (Cupido has the fastest orbit among the eight), is well outside of Pluto’s orbit and Cupido has some tenure left in Sagittarius. I am eagerly anticipating Cupido conjunct the Galactic Center in a few years.

Neptune continues to retrograde in his home sign, Pisces. He starts to square Saturn by sign on September 17. The transits seem to be requiring a lot of work these days, but that also implies the greatest rewards! Saturn-Neptune is a theme of making your dreams (Neptune) into a material reality (Saturn), with the square symbolizing the difficult, uphill work necessary for doing so. Neptune makes a stronger aspect to Jupiter in Virgo, an opposition. Jupiter-Neptune is not so tough, even with a tense opposition, because they share some characteristics and therefore have a certain harmony between them. For example, Jupiter is about religious rituals, abstract religious texts and writings, and following regulations, particularly in the context of religious laws or rules. Neptune is bliss and associated with spirituality. Combined, perhaps the two symbolism idealism regarding religious rules and rituals. Of great interest, both benefics (Venus and Jupiter) are “stepping stones” to Neptune’s powerful greater collective. I hadn’t considered Jupiter before, however, this seems valid…following religious rituals and responding to religious authority can lead to bliss and aligning with Neptune’s greater collective.

Poseidon (Transneptunian) is also somewhat inert this month (recall the same scenario with Cupido). Watch for opportunities to use theory, attain true insight, and dispense wisdom from September 1 to 5. Generally speaking, a somewhat wider window of time around the early September time frame is available for using Poseidon’s powerful attributes if a measure of dedication and commitment is applied to your efforts.

Sun in Virgo also lines up with Neptune by aspect for part of the month and by sign throughout the month. This month is a time for giving service, if you are so inclined. Humble attention to earthy details (taking care of children, pets, even tending the garden or maintaining living space) is an effective use of the Virgo energy and the powerful Jupiter-Neptune opposition. Jupiter adds a sense of joy and happiness via service to others and tending to your own soul’s needs. Sun opposite Chiron in mid to late Virgo also places emphasis on finding the good in a given situation.

Happy solar return to friends with Sun in Virgo and see you next month. Mike

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to
