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A new week begins. This week has a sense of continuation associated with it. None of the planets, Moon excepted, change signs this week, and Venus remains retrograde along with the mighty Uranus-Neptune-Pluto trio. This is also, perhaps, a week of focusing on the self. Jupiter is conjunct Sun all week. Consciousness, personal identity, and self-expression have a sense of expansion and abundance connected to Jupiter. Mars passes over Venus in Leo this week, and both will be conjunct all week. Mars is strong in the fire signs, and Venus, acting in extremes due to the retrograde and a bit independent in the Leo sign, tends to defer to Mars’ self-focused will, drive, and ambition.
Sun-Jupiter and Venus-Mars also make connections with two of the given three retrograde outer planets this week. Sun-Jupiter, a planetary pair, flows well with Pluto’s power. The planetary pair has a tense balancing act with Neptune, suggesting effort must be made to avoid nebulous situations, but with the opportunity for increased inspiration and imagination also possible. Venus-Mars, also a pair, the masculine and feminine planets in unity in the passionate, romantic Leo sign, flow well with Uranus’ spontaneous qualities, and make an odd angle to Pluto’s raw power. A sense of adventure and surprise in relationships, along with intensity and a refreshed sense of perspective if a person is willing to do the necessary work.
What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.
A wisp of Neptune’s bliss is available to Aries Sun on the first day of the week, August 28. A sense of sharp perspectives and transformation is a lingering theme for the entire week, and fresh and innovative ideas tend to flow well for Aries. This week is about change, particularly if you’re able to ride the cosmic waves consciously in order to benefit from the opportunities it provides. Most prominent is a relationships theme, strong all week and at a peak on August 31. Collaboration and harmony, in the context of moving projects and goals forward to completion, has potential this week for your driving, active, fiery core self. A certain wisdom and dedication mixed with your actions is also a powerful force for you this week. Organizational and creative efforts of influence at the end of the week round out this week of opportunities for Aries. Final thought for Aries: puzzles or riddles from the past might provide a mix of intrigue and frustration this week.
Acting quickly to adjust to circumstances is a starting theme for Taurus Sun at the beginning of the week. A laser-like focus on objectives and acting decisively to move them forward has greater than average potential on August 28 and 29. Ambition, will, and personal drive mesh well with personal power for Taurus this week, given the effort. A sense of spontaneity and free flow of ideas also is a boost for Taurus all week. Taurus also has a decent amount of passion and competitive inclinations this week associated with using creativity and focus in attaining what you want. All of that spoken, relationships tend to be front and center for Taurus this week. Your earthy sense of productivity and persistence combine well with ambitious collaborative efforts, useful at work or in other areas of life. Final thought for Taurus: forming partnerships is important – but it can be a balancing act!
Much of this week is about looking forward for Gemini Sun, particularly at the start of the week. How are you paying attention to your future direction, particularly in the context of balancing and cooperating with other people to achieve your objectives? August 31 and September 1 might feel gritty and these days are more focused on the past. An opportunity, also, to see situations as they really exist. If you have an interest in past lives, these are magnificent days to think about them. Jupiter’s cheer and abundance give Gemini a lift on August 30 and 31, countering the dour mid-week theme somewhat. Touching spirit and feeling inspired is a also a theme for Gemini this week, strongest at week’s end. Given the effort, using sharp perspectives to convert situations to your advantage is possible; this concept becomes stronger as the week progresses. Final thought for Gemini: aligning with those who think like you do can help make various situations manageable.
Uranus, then Neptune hit Cancer Sun at the beginning of the week. Adventure and use of the mind in relationships is an important theme for Cancer on August 28. August 29 contains a theme of directly accessing Neptune’s effusive qualities. Your watery Sun might have heightened empathy and intuition, and experiencing bliss and using imagination are also prominent themes early in the week. Of interest, the past is an area you might find yourself revisiting on August 31. Doing so can also be a springboard for initiating new projects and taking action to move forward with your goals, however. The end of the week is opportune for experiencing stability in relationships. September 2 has uplifting potential for Cancer, in experiencing the vitality and abundance of the Sun-Jupiter conjunction. Final thought for Cancer: possibilities are better than average for forming new friendships this week.
A bit of restriction from authority and structure lingers for Leo Sun at the beginning of the week. August 28 might also be a day of past issues surfacing and perhaps a need for alone time. The ‘independence’ theme in the transits this week generally works well all week for you, however. A sense of abundance and optimism, along with idealism and imagination, help carry Leo forward through the week. September 1 and 2 contains chances for showing your authority and expertise based on your area of specialty, and increasing your knowledge in your area of interest should work well on these days. Leo’s week is also characterized with a sense of “smooth change”, giving up what you no longer need in your life in exchange for renewed, useful items or modes of living. Final thought for Leo: pursuit of new people, ideas, and situations emerges as a theme for Leo this week.
Virgo Sun can continue to enjoy Sun and Jupiter in your Sun’s sign this week. Despite the Sun-Jupiter focus on self directly affecting Virgo, relationships, particularly in the context of socializing, networking, and exchanging ideas, are also influential. New people might also be in the mix; watch carefully for future opportunities based on new relationships. The energies in your week start to feel heavier by midweek. Nebulous situations and unclear direction, combined with demands for adjustments, present obstacles in the second half of the week. Still, this week can be one of using imagination, faith, and personal power in order to move closer to your goals, given the effort. Also watch for a nice potential boost from Jupiter’s optimism and expansion on August 30. Final thought for Virgo: “productivity through relationships” tends to work well for Virgo this week.
Relationships are important for Libra Sun this week, however, Libra can also enjoy the benefits of acting independently – a sense of actively balancing your own needs with the needs of others this week. Libra also has a theme this week of actively engaging with or creating situations in which productive change might be implemented. Fresh ideas and an active determination to succeed are prominent ideas for Libra, and they mesh with using sharp perspectives to achieve objectives. You might find that “people pleasing” tendencies and sacrificing personal needs for the benefit of a collective conflict with a fiery sense of desire to obtain what you want and relish the fun and excitement of competition. Of all of the Sun signs, yours is best suited to find a happy medium in this despite being pulled in two directions. Final thought for Libra: if you feel like a situation is not in your favor, consider altering your strategy as you go.
Drive, will, and ambition contribute to a theme of activity and competitive determination this week for Scorpio Sun. Involving other people can be a plus, but the week generally is about going solo with achieving what you desire. Grounded consciousness also works well for Scorpio this week. Relying on your core strengths and identity, taking practical action, and focusing on productivity and results have greater than average potential for you. This week also starts an extended theme of enjoying Jupiter’s abundance and expansion for Scorpio (think “expanding power” as a theme that suits your watery, intense core self). Also of interest, Saturn becomes edgy in as he enters the final degree of your Sun’s sign. Dealing with behind the scenes authority reaches a critical stage this week. Scorpio, while in the midst of this theme for quite some time, can also look forward to a sense of relief from some of Saturn’s restrictions lifting within a few weeks. Final thought for Scorpio: caution in sharing information can help avoid disruption this week.
This week has a certain intensity and heaviness for Sagittarius Sun. Sagittarius might feel a bit of Saturn’s restriction this week, as Saturn moves to the very end of Scorpio (and anticipates entering your Sun’s sign). The beginning of the week contains a sense of tapping your consciousness and self-expression, offsetting some of the heavier energies that will be stronger later in the week. Your Sun’s ruler, Jupiter, is not as strong in the Virgo sign, but this emphasizes avoiding excesses and focusing on the details of work. While this week is intense, Sagittarius also has an opportunity to develop personal power and enact change in areas of life that might be necessary. August 31 to the end of the week tends to be very realistic for Sagittarius, with the possibility of past issues surfacing in the present. A sense of direction in the latter half of the week may also not be easy to ascertain. Having faith and focusing on removing what is not needed or wanted from your life helps to make this a worthwhile and fulfilling week. Final thought for Sagittarius: breaking away from conventional thinking might uncover useful wisdom this week.
Saturn is finishing his last days in a receptive sign for a while. Capricorn Sun, therefore, has scant remaining time to make use of your Sun’s ruler in the sign sextile to yours. Despite a sense of edginess with Saturn in the last degree of Scorpio, this week has potential that you won’t see for some time. Use of persistence and endurance provides a foundation this week for making mighty efforts to surmount difficulties, cultivating a favorable image, learn and apply knowledge, and multiply your efforts. The first two days of the week have potential for communicating, networking, and exchanging ideas to further your interests, particularly in career. Given the effort, a sense of faith and optimism can also characterize your week. Final thought for Capricorn: Your inner voice might be invaluable this week.
Increased activity and energy flows well for Aquarius Sun regarding personal ambition, cooperation, dedication, and insightful wisdom this week. August 28 starts the week with a nice jolt, activating the masculine/feminine combination and unity that Aquarius has access to throughout the week. Another subtle theme of reassessing or auditing various situations, as well as strengthening your natal penchant for going your own way, becomes more prominent this week. Close relationships also might provide a boost at the beginning of the week, particularly if you make the effort to make it happen. Even with a substantial amount of activity in the transits affecting Aquarius this week, one also has the sense that you can be somewhat of an observer this week. Stepping back and finding the right time to act is a relevant theme for your thoughtful core self. Final thought for Aquarius: if you’re seeking closure, look for someone or something to show you the way.
The Sun-Jupiter conjunction this week can work well for Pisces Sun. Some of your best Pisces attributes have the opportunity to be expressed and used. Empathy, dedication to work, and if you have the inclination, giving service to others in a joyful, benefic manner can all be part of your week. Also watch to benefit from increased will, drive, and ambition at the beginning of the week. August 29 and to some extent, August 30 contain a theme of unity and the “spiritual service” theme is strongest for you on those days. Saturn exiting Scorpio will bring a different feel for Pisces, in that a slow-moving planet will no longer be in a watery sign, and Saturn will also start to square your Sun by sign for a few years. While Saturn can be restrictive, this week is a last gasp of experiencing Saturn’s structure flowing and manifesting through a watery/feeling sign for quite some time. Final thought for Pisces: look to a kind person for receiving help, or in giving it.
Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to triplewaterastrology@yahoo.com.