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Happy New Year! Sun in Saturn’s sign, Capricorn, is prompting us this month to set goals and ask what kind of discipline and structure can be implemented to encourage a prosperous year. With attention still on Saturn, after the recent ingress into Sagittarius, an opportunity for a great start to the new year is evidenced by Saturn’s aspect to Apollon (Transneptunian). Think disciplined success, structured gains, and multiplication of material goods and material wealth.
What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.
This week still emphasizes the “volatility” theme, with Uranus throwing his shocks and surprises your way more than usual. Your sense of the present moment and willingness to act helps you capitalize on the good surprises this week and mitigate the more unpleasant shocks. Jupiter plays a role for you this week from January 2 until about January 5. The beginning of the week will tend to be more upbeat and optimistic. January 5 is a pronounced opportunity for socializing and enjoying family and marriage. Watch for a sense of feeling mired down, or spinning your tires, on January 8. Overall a good week, especially for those who are adventurous and ready to initiate new projects and opportunities at the beginning of the new year. Just for Aries: how can you surpass your personal limits this week?
A strong sense of thinking and communicating is with you all week. January 3 might feel like quite a shift this week, but it can also be beneficial. Take advantage of Apollon’s success theme at work and to help progress in your personal goals. Be aware of past muck surfacing in your life around January 6. This week marks a more cognitive, yet friendly approach to relationships. Saturn does have some influence for you this week as well, so making a choice between feeling restricted and using structure to expand your limits is critical. On January 7 and 8, more creativity can manifest in your life, but using caution in handling situations where misunderstandings and nebulous facts might affect you. Just for Taurus: what do other people want from you this week?
A feeling of restricted thought and communication moves to a “jump started” feel of more leaps of intuition and friendlier bantering starting on January 5. January 5 is also the best day of the week for you to develop and move closer to accomplishing various goals in your life, especially at work. Relationships are also more important than usual for you during this week. Saturn makes himself known after January 5, closely tying you to the “restriction versus expansion” theme in the transits right now. Be aware of various troubles and worries possibly surfacing on January 7 – your adaptable nature should help you deal with uncomfortable situations, however. Chances are, not a productive week overall. Just for Gemini: consider, is someone else’s opinion as important as you think it is?
January 4 and 5 are active days for you, with the Moon in her home sign and your Sun’s sign. January 4 is a strong day for showing expertise and authority in some field or talent you have developed, especially a field that you have been in for a long time. The accumulated wisdom from various endeavors that have been successful in the past have potential for helping you in the present, especially on January 4. The week’s “peak” is certainly January 4 for you, with a strong emotional base receptive to spiritual insights, creativity, and using imagination to help solve problems and dream of new goals to aspire towards. On January 5, you have some “mighty force” to help ride the good waves of the previous day. Overall it could be a very productive week. Just for Cancer: is that a friend from the past?
The “persistent expansion” theme right now is very influential for you this week, with the addition of Pluto’s transformative power! So a careful consideration of how to optimize your opportunities this week would be prudent. January 7 has great potential for productivity at work – focus that energy for maximum benefit. This week is also about your dedication and commitment to work and other people, but be careful not to overextend yourself. The beginning of the week may tend to feel more stressful than average with various disruptions, but the effect starts to subside by the end of the week. Jupiter also starts hinting at expansive possibilities at the end of the week, so definitely a potentially good week, especially in the second half of the week. Just for Leo: can you find the missing piece of the puzzle this week?
The more comfortable, earthy, tangible part of the week that your Sun enjoys is the first half of the week. Still, the shift for you after January 4 has opportunities. Networking can be particularly fruitful on January 4. Preparing to “think on your feet” and adjust quickly, especially after January 4, might pay increasing returns. Non-verbal communication and balancing with others crops up as a strong theme on January 6. January 2 is an opportunity to set a tone for the rest of the week, by implementing stability and endurance in your work and personal life. Overall a somewhat challenging week. Using your grounded, yet adaptable core will help you attune to the available benefits of this week. Just for Virgo: carpe diem! Sometimes actions speak louder than words.
This week begins in an interesting way for you, with potential to sway and influence other people. This week perhaps is a bit more difficult than average with a feeling of always being under Saturn’s thumb. This is also the week to determine how cooperation with others – your strong suit – can benefit everyone exponentially, especially around January 3. Assistance from siblings or companions might also be of benefit to you this week. Your airy Sun sign, Libra, also becomes more apt to intuiting answers to difficult questions after January 3, and logic is also very much your friend this week, especially after January 4. Just for Libra: can you shift gears when necessary this week?
You have an opportunity to strongly express your identity this week. Your Scorpio grit and determination is very strong all week, at its peak on January 4. Another pronounced theme for you is the opportunity for generating new perspectives of your self and others, already a strong suit for you that is of prime importance this week. People will probably notice your dedication and commitment this week – just be certain that you also benefit from your efforts! This can be an up-and-down week courtesy of Uranus, however, relationships can become a greater source of support and comfort as the week progresses. January 8 is also a critical date to consider past action in terms of the future you want to create. Just for Scorpio: on the fence about something or someone this week?
The influences of the transits are relatively mild for you this week, with the exception of Mars’ influence. How can you productively apply your fiery Sagittarius energy this week? The extra energy is readily available from Mars – the challenge is in directing it. Mars in Aquarius, Uranus’ sign, suggests erratic and unpredictable bursts of energy, but also a lot of energy for thought. Not a bad match for Sun in Jupiter’s sign (of higher knowledge). Relationships are also a strong point for you this week. Relationships tend to be rewarding and steady, although you might find yourself reevaluating your role in relationships (and this might be of benefit). Also a vague sense of unpredictability this week, but if you like to be spontaneous it could be fun. Just for Sagittarius: select those you listen to wisely.
This is your week for increasing returns! Ambition, duty, and reaching towards short and long term goals can help lead to nice accomplishments this week. Relationships are an important support system for you in reaching your goals this week, especially after January 3. Networking and communicating tends to be helpful as well, especially after January 5. Creative potential, given ample attention and work, is also a theme for you, but also beware of misunderstandings and “biting off more than you can chew.” The first half of the week is a time of feeling more grounded and stable. The pace picks up after Mercury and Venus leave your Sun’s sign, Capricorn, so be ready for more of a “wild ride” as the week progresses. Just for Capricorn: a week of questioning?
“Force of will” might be an apt keyphrase for you this week. Struggle, yet the potential for the most gains as well. January 4 is a key date for you. The electrical, airy Aquarius energy of your core identity has an opportunity to feel very grounded on that day. True, it might be difficult to have a sharp increase in consciousness on that day, but how might you benefit from being more conscious, even if it implies the possibility of unpleasant realizations? That spoken, this is just not a “doom and gloom” week for you. Relationships tends to be harmonious and Saturn’s structure combined with Jupiter’s expansion and Apollon’s multiplication can be very useful for your sharp mind to make use of. Also bear in mind the “instant spiritual insights” theme available to you with Poseidon’s assistance. Just for Aquarius: how will you handle status issues this week?
Taking advantage of Saturn’s structure, rather than being hindered by it, is important this week. How is your creativity and spirituality better expressed in a structured manner? Otherwise, not a lot is on your radar this week. Your emotional life tends towards being tense at the beginning of the week, but the nice tradeoff is that it becomes quite smooth and strong on January 4 and 5. Relationships take on an increased importance by the end of the week. Talking and communicating with significant others can be very productive on January 7 and 8 (especially January 8). Just for Pisces: can you see right through your friends this week?
Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to triplewaterastrology@yahoo.com.