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This week seems to be in large part about Mars. Although he makes some tough aspects with some heavy hitters – squaring Saturn, conjuncting Neptune, and even aspecting Hades (Transneptunian) by the end of the week, the opportunity to use one’s will, personal energy, and assertiveness is pronounced with Mars changing signs and interacting with various titans in the heavens. Mars entering Neptune’s sign suggests an emphasis on using drive and application of energy in a creative or spiritual manner. Mars in Pisces gives an image of “spiritual warrior”, using the watery, subtle Pisces energy to advance and defiantly fight for higher ideals.
Mars is generating excitement this week with his sign change, however, overall this is a relatively stable week, it appears, in the transits. The “controlled expansion” theme continues.
What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.
This week portends a sharp change in direction for you, with the second half of the week feeling a bit restricted and ambiguous. Yet the opportunities at various times of this week can make it very productive. Projects or activities that require “mighty force” have a better than average chance of success on January 9 and 10 (especially January 9). January 11 and 12 are also propitious days for projects that you want to expand or multiply. Starting January 12, caution in interacting with authority figures is wise. Also be certain that you understand important information communicated to you in various forms. If you feel caught in a rut this week, especially after January 12, asking how you might “creatively structure” something might turn things around. Just for Aries: how will loose ends be dealt with this week?
The opportunity to show leadership and expertise is promising at the beginning of the week, perhaps setting a tone for the remainder of it. This week might feel like a bumpy ride with ups and downs, and surprises thrown your way. Carefully thinking about your options might help you deal with unwelcome shocks. The “surprises” theme is strongest on January 12 and 13. Relationships can be quite good this week, blessed by a sense of Jupiter’s optimism. January 12 is ideal for activities that require full understanding and deep insights (a day that is fertile ground for ‘aha’ moments). You might find that you benefit from keen perspectives on January 13 and 14. Just for Taurus: being tenacious in issues of love or money can be beneficial this week.
Your love of knowledge shifts into overdrive this week! You have the potential to connect your knowledge base to instant insights this week, peaking on January 13. January 12 is an opportunity to plug into the ether and intuit “instant spiritual insights”. Learning about various concepts and theories might be very productive that day as well. This is also a week with the opportunity to consistently consult and work with other people to your benefit. This week also has a theme of expressing your uniqueness…strongest at the end of the week. If a dark cloud must be found in the bright blue sky for you this week, be aware of possible emotionally difficult situations manifesting on January 14. Just for Gemini: being aware of your own non-verbal communication might pay dividends this week.
The week starts off on a rather intellectual, analytical type note for you. Cognitive tasks requiring powerful thought have better than average chances of successful completion on January 9 and 10 (especially January 9). The intellectual type theme continues into January 11 and 12, with more of an emphasis on teamwork and cooperation in initiating and finishing projects. Being spontaneous and creative around January 11 and 12 might also work well for you. Starting on January 13, a more watery, emotional feel to each day is in force. Time alone or meaningful, deep connections with a few chosen people might feel in alignment with the current energies for you. However, you might also feel more energetic and productive in the second half of the week. January 13 can be a particularly good day for accomplishments. Just for Cancer: steady as you go, no additional insights for Cancer this week.
Jupiter’s optimism and expansion helps you start the week. Attaining or drawing closer to a specific goal this week is a strong theme for you, especially strong on January 10. Abrupt changes that might still be lingering from last week will tend to subside as this week progresses. Being social and enjoying family and marriage is also a nice theme for you this week, strongest around January 14. Overall, perhaps a less active than average week, which allows you to enjoy the “controlled expansion” theme in the transits that is poignant for you this month. You might also use this week to rest and prepare for a potentially intense week next week. Just for Leo: consider, is something you’ve persistently tried to accomplish still worth pursuing?
The Moon in your sign on January 9 and 10 suggests a strong emotional base to draw from this week. This week is also about ideas for you, and the Sun in an earthy sign is rather familiar and comfortable as well. The start of the week, most notably January 10, is your chance to shine and use your expertise to impress other people, especially at work, and move forward with your various goals. This week is opportune for implementing the cooperation of others to enhance your productivity, and networking and relating to others is also a strong theme this week, strongest starting January 12. If this week had one phrase for you symbolizing its theme it might be “cooperative brainpower”. Just for Virgo: thinking through problems is good; is taking action better?
Your forte – harmonizing with other people and balancing graciously – is pronounced this week. January 13 is an optimal day for enjoying the company of others and being social. The chances of disruptions in various parts of your life are also above average this week, however, using contacts and social skills will probably help mitigate volatile situations. Other people might also be a source of insight for you this week, especially around January 12. Watch for various changes occurring, or opportunities to initiate changes you might want, on January 13 and 14. Just for Libra: will compromise help you this week?
The first half of the week is a very conscious time for you. Deciding on what you want and how to obtain it is an opportunity for you lasting until about January 11. This coincides well with a longer period of time that you continue to have, to consider your past in light of your future direction. This is also very much a time of “the opportunities in the difficulties,” perhaps you have found yourself having to make adjustments as various obstacles and challenges appear in your life. Very much on the plus side this week, significant others tend to be a source of support and relationships might also give you a boost later in the week (around January 13). Thinking through problems and communicating with others is also a strong suit for you around January 13 and 14. Just for Scorpio: what resources might be of assistance to you this week?
Saturn is perhaps weighing on you a bit these days. Still, a sense of structure and internal discipline can help you accomplish many of your goals. The “controlled expansion” theme this month hopefully has helped you reach new vistas. Close relationships are the focus for you at the beginning of the week (and a prominent theme all week). You might notice the week’s pace increasing as it progresses…activity and projects involving other people tend to take more precedence for you after January 12. The last two days of the week, January 14 and 15, might feel like a balancing act, with intense emotions contrasting with the need for a more cognitive approach to dealing with others. However, reconciling the difficulties of coordinating group efforts can result in breakthroughs around the end of the week. Just for Sagittarius: everyone has an opinion! Which one will help you?
This week, your ruling planet leaves the influence of Apollon, but you can still enjoy the “controlled expansion” theme for the rest of the month. You still have a powerful week to look forward to, with transiting Sun in your Sun’s sign for this week and part of the next. The opportunity to structure relationships in a nurturing manner is strong this week. You might find yourself in a teaching role one day and a learning role the next day! A lot of caring and togetherness type of feel with other people is possible throughout the week. Being cautious of belligerent people and situations, especially after January 12, is prudent. Your natural inclination towards accomplishment opens up and opportunity for “creative solutions” to various problems, but also be aware of misunderstandings and vague details. Just for Capricorn: how will you seek answers unsolved questions?
The “sudden spiritual insights” theme is still in force for you this week. Seeking clarity and true understanding of various problems and questions you might have is something to take advantage of this week. This can be of great use, combined with focusing on your past decisions and determining your future direction, a heavy theme for you this week. A key person might also be of great benefit to you this week, regarding future direction and various other day-to-day problems and opportunities you have. Thought and communication are very strong this week, strongest around January 13. Change might be difficult, but if it must happen, this week is a great opportunity to plan for it. Just for Aquarius: how will you deal with new situations that might arise this week?
You might feel a renewed sense of drive and personal energy this week, especially after January 12. The potential difficulties of the transits must also be considered in light of the potential rewards. How will you focus your efforts, especially with Mars entering your sign, to help make your dreams (Neptune) into reality (Saturn)? The theme of caring for others and enjoying nature and pets becomes more pronounced as the week moves along. Practicing good self-care is also a good idea this week. Just for Pisces: where is the common ground this week?
Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to triplewaterastrology@yahoo.com.