Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, June 26, 2015

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The struggle between Mercury and Neptune wanes by the end of the week. Meanwhile, Venus and Jupiter form the nicest of conjunctions all week, and they conjunct exactly on June 30. Mercury takes on a pivotal role towards the end of the week, in his home sign and at the focal point of a double minor grand trine with Uranus, his tutor, and the pleasant Venus-Jupiter duo in Leo. Communication, networking, gathering information, and logical thought have a supercharged boost from Uranus and a sense of abundance and cooperation from Venus and Jupiter. Mercury is wringing free of Neptune’s fog this week, but do be aware of Neptune’s brighter side (such as creativity) in generating solutions to problems and using the mind.

Sun forms an opposition to Pluto this week, and Mars begins to form one to his overlord…Mars‘ energy is amplified by Pluto‘s power! Sun-Pluto is tense this week, but encourages conscious perspectives and building up personal power. With all of the activity among the planets this week, and with two planetary pairs forming, no less, perhaps Saturn steals the show. The mutual reception with Pluto continues (think powerful structures, disciplined transformation) and the slow-moving Saturn aspects three of the eight Transneptunians throughout the week. Responding to internal and external authority suggests opportunities to be persistent and focused, use power and force, and multiply efforts.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


While Neptune is rendered less active in the transits this week, he is affecting Aries Sun in a powerful manner. Spirituality, creativity, and inspiration flow well for you this week. Venus and Jupiter’s happy combination are not directly influencing Aries, but with few planetary influences in the first half of the week, a sense of relaxing and enjoying the ride is a nice change of pace. June 29 to July 1, in contrast, are heavier days. Be aware of past issues potentially surfacing in the present. The theme from last week, of having a heightened sense of self and conscious purpose – already very strong for your fiery, active Sun! – continues through this week. Also watch for opportunities to consider how past decisions can help to productively determine your future path. Final thought for Aries: you have a reservoir of passionate commitment for solving riddles and uncovering the unknown this week.


The Venus-Jupiter conjunction is definitely a factor for Taurus Sun this week. Uranus also has an influence, but his disruptions are perhaps welcome for keeping your week interesting. Being spontaneous and making leaps in order to find effective solutions to problems is a prominent theme for Taurus (Jupiter-Uranus encourage “expansion of knowledge” and personal growth through use of the mind). The week starts with a theme of developing and using personal power – be quick, because it only lasts for one day, June 26. Close relationships are also a pronounced influence throughout the week. Watch for a shift in the feel of close relationships on June 30. Ease and abundance characterize this week for Taurus, so enjoy it! The week also has an underlying, subtle feel of “going your own way”; an opportunity to express your unique qualities. Final thought for Taurus: are you feeling more attuned to other people’s wants and needs this week?


Misunderstandings, miscommunication, and nebulous situations tend to clear up by the end of the week. However, be aware of Neptune’s productive manifestations! Creativity in reaching people, feeling inspired, and inspiring other people, and the power of imagination, given the effort, can also be effective ways to begin your week. A theme of change is also subtly influential for Gemini Sun this week until June 30. Again, this can be useful – how are your perspectives and adaptability helping you to not only acclimate to different scenarios, but also develop your personal power? June 28 and 29 are awesome days for melding the creativity and change themes into showing leadership, asserting yourself, and quickly producing results. June 30 to July 2 can be VERY productive days for Gemini! “Expanding knowledge through collaboration” and “spontaneous, optimistic cooperation” are two of several ways to cap off a potentially successful week. Final thought for Gemini: this week, you might find yourself as the “go-to” person for deep insights.


June 26 to 28 tend to be intense days for Cancer Sun. The Saturn-Pluto theme is influential for you on those days. While too much structure and restriction can obviously be overbearing, watch for opportunities, especially at work, to develop perspectives that help you move forward and increase your influence. This is largely a week about work for Cancer. However, your week lightens up a bit on June 29 and 30. Enjoy Jupiter’s expansion and Venus’ harmony in the middle of the week. (As a plus, June 30 is about togetherness, family, and marriage for Cancer.) July 1 and 2 have a sense of “back to the grind”, however, you have direct access to the Mars-Pluto theme (energy and power). Not only is this week about work, it’s about getting a lot of work done. Thus, riding the waves of the transits this week depends a lot on how you respond to those in authority and express your personal power, in order to achieve what you need to. Final thought for Cancer: chances are better than average for attracting people to your point of view this week.


Leo Sun’s week begins with a dose of reality! While this can be potentially unpleasant, acknowledging situations and life as they truly exist can be an advantage. Also watch for past life influences on June 26. If you feel a rough start to the week, certainly you can look forward to a varied and potentially productive remainder of the week. Neptune is tapping Leo on the shoulder throughout the week, but his better qualities tend to manifest for you. Envisioning what you want and taking actions to achieve it is an effective response to Neptune. Other powerful influences can also assist you this week. Using your authority, based on your knowledge and area of specialization, works well from June 29 to July 1. July 1 and 2 are opportune for using insight and theory to solve abstract problems or deal with difficult situations. Leo Sun also has an opportunity to reach large numbers of people at the end of the week, if that is somehow of benefit. This week is also about seeing the past in light of carving out your future destiny, an identical theme for the previous fire sign, Aries. Final thought for Leo: if you find yourself in opposition to someone or something, forming alliances can help you ameliorate problems.


The Saturn-Pluto theme (“structured change”) is of influence for a good part of the week for Virgo Sun. Developing and using sharp perspectives can be an advantage for you, along with your earthy adaptive qualities, from June 26 to 30. The most fun part of the week is probably July 1 and 2, when, coincidentally, the “powerful authority” theme drops into the background a bit. The Venus-Jupiter theme suddenly becomes front and center for Virgo at the beginning of July. Opportunities abound for creating a favorable impression, through your personal appearance, and in verbal and written presentation of your ideas. Combining work and pleasure is also a potentially effective way of expanding your interests and influence on those days. June 28 is a day to mark on your calendar. Concentrating efforts on producing work can lead to nice increasing returns, all the more effective with your eye for detail and meticulousness. Final thought for Virgo: sharing knowledge might be rewarding for you this week.


This can be a delightful week for Libra Sun. A sense of optimism and growth accompanies a theme of effectively using the mind. This is, of course, a week for socializing, but also for networking and reaching other people for business as much as pleasure, from about June 29 to July 2 (watch for opportunities to spontaneously create contacts – be ready to take advantage of opportunities quickly!). Supporting various causes of interest is also a theme for Libra this week, especially those that are relatively new or offbeat. The transits are heavily in favor of your airy Sun. A great deal of energy is available for thought. Reading for enjoyment or solving intellectual puzzles for pleasure are perfect examples of activity for Libra this week, although certainly channeling the energies into work or other pursuits of choice can be effective and rewarding. Final thought for Libra: intellectual “wandering” can bring adventures this week!


Relationships are the focus of the start of your week. Focusing on relationship matters is a short-lived theme, although you can enjoy a heightened theme involving the benefits of collaborating at work or elsewhere on June 26. The ease at the beginning of the week slowly changes to more activity for Scorpio Sun. The week builds into a theme of expressing yourself and focusing on your conscious desires (for Scorpio, to develop power and transform). Sun and Mars in the watery Cancer sign in the transits is an interesting combination for Scorpio Sun. Scorpio’s intensity meshes well with the watery energies in the transits. An emphasis on the home and protecting those close to you emerges. Drive, will, and ambition also starts bubbling up as a theme for you by the end of the week. A sense for Scorpio of “going with the flow” this week, but don’t discount the opportunities for accomplishment. Final thought for Scorpio: trying to stretch your limits too much is tempting! Relying on Saturn’s structure can help you find balance.


Sagittarius has a final chance to enjoy the long-lasting theme, elevated importance of close relationships, until June 29. Relationships in general, however, are an salient theme for Sagittarius all week. Ups and downs in various relationships are also a factor, but your adaptable, upbeat nature help to mitigate problems and take advantage of sudden opportunities through working with other people. This week, especially towards the end, is a fantastic opportunity for you to use the mind. Using logic combined with intuition can give spectacular results…spontaneously discovering a solution to a problem through collaborative communication is one bright possibility among many. This can also be a week of examining your spirituality, and your personal spiritual direction. The week just doesn’t have much of a downside for Sagittarius. Revel in it! Final thought for Sagittarius: when a solution to a problem is not forthcoming, try creatively envisioning the big picture.


The Venus-Jupiter “ease and abundance” theme becomes more influential for Capricorn Sun as the week progresses. Think “controlled expansion through collaboration”, potentially very effective! And with Pluto’s powerful perspectives in the mix – another potential advantage – your Capricorn orientation towards success, prudence, and creating order has directly favorable influences from three distinct sources! Most direct, a sense of stamina, persistence, and focus characterizes your week. If you feel like you’re spinning your tires, the Venus/collaboration influence might effectively start you moving again. Second, powerful control and heightened productivity also enter the picture throughout the week. Last, a sense of exuding your passion and charm in an effort to expand your interests is also a quite favorable effect this week. When the heavens are saying “go for it!”, go for it! A week of potential gains and productivity on overdrive. Final thought for Capricorn: no additional insights for Capricorn this week.


Watch for an active and energetic, and enjoyable, week, with fiery influences front and center for Aquarius Sun. Close relationships are a nice plus until June 29. Close relationships moving out of prominence after mid-week is disappointing, but with Venus and Jupiter giving a steady dose of ease and abundance throughout the week, harmony and growth strongly influence relationships in general. Using thought and communication to influence others in a positive manner also becomes a strong theme for Aquarius by the end of the week. Mercury in an air sign tends to work well for Aquarius Sun! An opportunity to combine the innovative, lightning fast features of your Sun’s ruler, Uranus, with Mercury’s airy logic, versatility, and penchant for learning. Final thought for Aquarius: making connections through showing care has potential for Aquarius this week.


An important and relatively long-lasting theme emerges this week for Pisces Sun. The opportunity to use your natural creativity and flexibility, channeled into your area of expertise, is knocking on your door. While life might feel a bit rigid, consider how structure in the form of respected ways of operating, and responding to those “at the top”, might help you to further deepen your knowledge, in your area of expertise, and produce amazing results. Think “mastery” and making a mark in your chosen field. Increased chances of verbal conflict and lack of meeting of the minds diminish as the week continues, freeing up some extra energy for what you want or need to accomplish. Ambition, drive, and will increase for Pisces as the days pass this week. Venus and Jupiter are not directly of influence for you this week, but that doesn’t suggest ease and abundance cannot be part of your life. Work, particularly on what you easily and naturally express your talent through, is largely the focus of your week. Final thought for Pisces: finding private time for yourself this week works well with the flow of the transits for you.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to
