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The emphasis on Jupiter at the beginning of this week quickly turns to a spotlight on Pluto’s transformative power and deep perspectives. Pluto forms squares to South Node, Uranus, his soldier, Mars, and Venus this week. Sudden change, catharsis based on letting go of the past, energetic transformation, and change through cooperation are prominent themes this week. Ultimately, the difficult work that must be done based on the harsh square aspects can also be the most rewarding, in terms of personal growth. That is the power of Pluto!
What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.
This week is your week to catch the “controlled expansion” theme of Jupiter and Saturn, by actively applying your personal energy to your projects and goals. Past difficulties also contain lessons to be used along with the slow growth theme. If various disruptions present themselves, using sudden insights and brilliant ideas will hopefully help you along. March 6 and 7 are prime days for paying attention to spiritual matters and thinking through problems. Relationships are reasonably good all week, with the best days at the beginning of the week. Overall possibilities for a very good week, with Jupiter’s abundance in force for you all week. Just for Aries: how might you take advantage of being spontaneous this week?
The beginning of the week is an opportunity to set goals and work collaboratively to increase productivity. Using the mind to solve problems is also a nice theme for you this week, especially at the beginning of the week. Pluto’s demands for change are intense at the beginning of the week…and Uranus’ disruptions might also enter the picture for you. Thinking about how to adjust to “sudden changes” can help you move forward this week. Definitely on the plus side, Jupiter is looking over your shoulder all week, spreading his sense of optimism. Relationships are fiery and active for you this week, and enjoying marriage and family is a theme for you on March 12, a nice way to end the week. Just for Taurus: considering how you might adapt or quickly shift gears can be of benefit this week.
Take advantage of your ruling planet, Mercury, in his tutor’s sign (Aquarius) this week – Mercury will quickly move into Pisces next week. Being attuned to intuitive leaps, quick thought, and huge volumes of information are fun and useful themes with Mercury manifesting via Uranus’ sign. “Collaborative thought” and problem solving is a prominent theme on March 6 and 7. Socializing and interaction with family members is emphasized for you from March 8 to 10. Projects and tasks requiring a great deal of energy and perhaps a huge “push” to be completed have best chances around March 11. Overall Gemini is a bit removed from the heavy Pluto square theme this week, leaving more energy available for both productive efforts and leisure time. Just for Gemini: if you’re at an impasse, consider the advantages of negotiating.
The “Pluto squares” theme this week is probably stronger than average for you, among the signs, especially at the beginning of the week. This can be an advantage, with hard work having a decent shot at turning into lasting and satisfying results. Look to forming alliances at the beginning of the week if you need a boost. March 8 is an intense day for Cancer Sun, with Neptune entering the picture. You might feel more emotionally self-sufficient on March 8, a potentially productive day for you. March 9 repeats the theme of March 8, but is generally less intense. Look towards producing tangible results on March 8 and 9 – and watch out for obstacles that slow you down on those days. The end of the week returns you to the “controlled expansion” theme of Jupiter and Saturn. Overall a week that might feel like a lot of work, but reaching the finish line can also feel very good. Just for Cancer: looking sharp in terms of appearance can give you an edge this week.
This is a week, perhaps, of going your own way! Also a week to remember that the Sun is still shining behind the clouds…not that this is just a potentially down week by any means. Jupiter gives you a nice boost at the beginning of the week. Perhaps this week is about Leo Sun anticipating the new zodiacal year. March 6 to 8 has an industrious feel, and you might also take advantage of creativity combined with focused energy on those days. The first half of the week can also be a powerful time for you. Working with Pluto’s transformative power can help you reach your goals. A more relaxed second half of the week gives you an opportunity to assess where you’re at after the whirlwind lasting until about March 9 relents. Just for Leo: when obstacles occur, considering them in terms of the true source of the problem might help.
This week has a dedication theme for Sun in Virgo. Service and help might take the form of beneficial ideas or support as part of a group. Harmony and cooperation are nice themes for you this week with the strongest days from March 8 to March 10. Connecting with other people on an emotional level works well from March 6 to 8. The Pluto squares hit you more intensely at mid-week, with the Jupiter-Saturn controlled expansion theme more influential by week’s end. Overall a varied week of activity for you, giving some exercise to your Virgo Sun’s adaptive qualities. Planning the week’s activities with accomplishing a goal by March 12 can also work in your favor. Just for Virgo: as projects and goals are worked towards completion, consider how changing strategies to adjust to immediate conditions might be of use.
The theme of exercising your forte, being social, mingling, and harmonizing, is strong at the beginning of the week. Watch for opportunities to suddenly run into the right person who has information or something else to help you reach your goals, especially until March 8. Social graces certainly can also help you mitigate potential clashes with people of authority and power, and ultimately use the situation to your benefit (quite a savvy use of Pluto’s energies). Libra is the sign of balancing, but don’t forget that your sign is also an airy sign that likes to use information and the mind. This week is also an ample opportunity to think about how to solve various problems and learn. Opportunities to creatively solve problems stands out as a theme for you this week, strongest by week’s end. Just for Libra: no additional insights for Libra this week.
This week is about the “opportunities in the difficulties” for you, in a way. Jupiter’s influence helps you move along this week, despite disruptions or other impediments. Relationships might seem more intense, but also more real! On top of that, a bit of the “going your own way” theme affecting Leo this week is also influential for you. This week is also about taking action. How might you advance your goals by initiating various activities, and then overcoming obstacles? Your ruling planet, Pluto, forms an exact square to his minion, Mars, on March 11. Setting goals and determining how to achieve what you aspire towards might be of great use on that day. Consider the advantages of using your inner resolve as a source of support on March 9 and 10. Just for Scorpio: reflection and introspection – Neptune’s refuges – can be of benefit this week.
Intense, conscious experiences form a theme for you at the beginning of the week. True to your Sagittarius Sun, this week can also lean towards the spiritual side for you. Using the intellect and harnessing the power of the mind through intuition and insight is also a strong theme for you, especially at the beginning of the week. Your adaptable Sagittarius Sun therefore has a workout with all of the varied energies this week. The controlled expansion theme of Jupiter and Saturn is again in force for you this week. Involving other people with your more ambitious projects can be of benefit (and they might help you handle potential twists and turns). The fiery, adaptable qualities of your Sagittarius Sun fit the week well, so better than average chances for a productive week. Just for Sagittarius: what is your unique contribution to a project or relationship?
Mars has an influence on you at the beginning of the week. How can the added passion and fire of Mars help you initiate and attain your various goals this week? Close relationships are also influenced by Mars for you this week. Those observing you with your partner might comment about how competitive you are as a unit acting together! Obviously this can also be helpful in terms of achievement. The end of the week (March 11 and 12) might take an interesting turn, with the various results of actions taken previously showing their effects. The past this week can be a source of inspiration, aggravation, or combination of both, but regardless the past can also be a great teacher this week. With all of the talk about Pluto this week, Neptune’s spiritual influence seems to have more of an effect on you. So time spent looking inward might be useful. Just for Capricorn: learning through listening is a strong theme for you this week.
Relationships are front and center for you this week. Relationships tend to be passionate and initiating projects as part of a team or group tends to be more beneficial than average for you this week. Pluto is handing you a lot of work this week, but it’s also a chance to develop your personal power and activate change in a meaningful way. Jupiter’s expansion and cheer help to balance out Pluto’s intensity and profundity this week for you. Pluto’s effect becomes most intense at week’s end, but your emotional reserves also tend to be most accessible by the end of the week. Overall an active and potentially productive week. Just for Aquarius: if you have a person in your life you can’t completely figure out, this is the week to learn more about them!
To some extent, this week’s energies affect you the least of all of the signs. Perhaps this is a signal from the heavens to consider planning for and gathering energy in anticipation of the new zodiacal year, pending within about two weeks. The unconscious has better availability (perhaps you will feel more creative, emotional, or affected by Pluto’s transformative qualities) on March 9 and 10 for you. Discipline and authority might feel more heavy handed than average, a continuing theme for you, but adding structure to inspiration can unleash an enormous amount of creative results, paradoxically. Your Sun’s adaptable qualities are also useful this week. Mars competing with your ruling planet, Neptune, is still a theme this week, and considering how to use this productively (think “energetic creativity”, “spiritual determination”) can help make this a fulfilling week. Just for Pisces: consider how using joint resources (not necessarily money; eg, time, brainstorming) might be of benefit this week.
Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to triplewaterastrology@yahoo.com.