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So much chatter about the full Moon in Scorpio on May Fourth! Moon will just miss a conjunction to Poseidon as she goes completely full. A nice trine to Neptune and square to Jupiter give plenty of spiritual potential to the intense full Moon in Pluto’s sign. Perhaps Poseidon’s enlightenment and wisdom also acts in unity with the Moon a bit as well. Fierce determination in expanding into a new role regarding one’s own personal power and unconscious perspectives welling to the surface to be used to realize sharp insights are just a few of the possibilities at mid-week with the Scorpio full Moon. Planetary aspects suggest using the energy to “expand spirituality”. Definitely a potentially creative and uplifting energy, from the most intense part of the zodiac.
The quick, mischievous Mercury, in his home sign Gemini, starts to wrestle with Neptune, also at home in Pisces. The diffuse, transcendent Neptune in tension with Mercury’s love of information and socializing can be reconciled into many productive uses. Given the effort, consider themes such as “creative networking”, “imaginative thought”, and inspiration via siblings or those close enough to be considered siblings.
What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.
Opportunities to socialize, use teamwork, and pay attention to relationships start the week off for you. Collaboration tends to work better in the first half of the week. The “energy meets power” theme also slips away by mid-week, but take advantage of using your perspectives and power base while you can. This also suggests that the full Moon event can be intense for Aries Sun; watch for that May 4 date this week! May 7 is opportune for difficult work in hopes of making significant progress on a project of interest. May 4 to 6 is a time for enjoying marriage and family in this busy week for Aries. Just for Aries: consider how mutual benefit in personal or business matters can help you prosper.
Airy feminine energies are of influence at the start of the week. May 1 and 2 have opportunity for Taurus Sun through social graces, using intuition combined with thought, and using the “collaborative networking” theme from last week. The social theme continues for you until May 4. Looking sharp, being well-spoken, and participating fully in team efforts are a boon in the first half of the week. Watch for opportunities on May 6 and 7 to expand your efforts in personal and work life through persistence and steady determination. Sun and Mars remain in your Sun’s sign this week, giving an earthy energetic base to using ideas and communicating effectively. Just for Taurus: explaining topics of interest to close friends can be entertaining and appreciated this week.
Mercury in your Sun’s sign emphasizes your quick mind’s love of gathering information. The “creative networking” theme this week is probably most influential for Gemini Sun. Working to make and maintain contacts this week is a good idea, to say the least. Dealing with authority figures is also a theme for Gemini Sun all week. This is most intense on May 3 and starts to relent as the week draws to an end. Caring for pets, especially exotic pets, or seeing unusual animals, insects, or plants in nature is also a salient theme for Gemini Sun. Timing projects or presentations that draw on a high level of expertise or authority through your learning and knowledge are well-timed for May 7. Just for Gemini: strategizing is fantastic, but beware analysis paralysis.
Cancer Sun emphasizes the importance of the Moon for you, and the full Moon at 13 Scorpio can be something to look forward to. Cancer might experience “housecleaning” or other feelings of losing old baggage. Scorpio’s transformation theme certainly taps Cancer Sun on the shoulder this week. How will you integrate new perspectives into your life? May 2 is an opportunity for Cancer Sun to experience gains and prosperity through partnerships. May 3 and 4 is an intense part of the week for you. Common themes with Scorpio such as considering how to use shared resources, navigating changes, and handling power are important for all signs at mid-week and especially for Cancer Sun. May 6 is definitely not such a heavy day, with some fiery zest and competitive spirit entering the picture for you. Watch for opportunities for expanding knowledge and experiencing spontaneous good cheer. Just for Cancer: paying attention to both your physical appearance and body language can help you move forward this week.
May 1 is a day in which Leo Sun is touched by spirit! Wisdom, inspiration, and optimism combine into an uplifting package on the first day of the week. Close relationships can also be rewarding this week, given the effort, with the strongest influence also on May 1. Pluto’s influence taps Leo Sun on the shoulder on May 5, the day after the full Moon. “Concrete change” of some sort is a theme for Leo Sun this week. May 6 holds promise for activities that require acting immediately, strong focus on a particular goal, even a lofty goal, and showing those Leo organizational and leadership qualities. Going your own way also starts to become more influential on the last day of the week, May 7. Just for Leo: how can piecing things together help determine the root source of a problem?
Career interests are prominent for Virgo Sun all week. This week can feel like a lot of work, but having the dedication, persistence, and attention to detail that fit your Sun’s sign well can “impress the boss”. The week culminates with an opportunity for you to shine on May 7 by using your specialized knowledge or skills, particularly within a structured setting. May 3 could be a tough day, with past issues surfacing at work or in other parts of your life, although opportunities to “rearrange” and work across divisions to your benefit is also possible on May 3. Also be aware of the “making your dreams into a material reality” theme returning this week for Virgo Sun, an extension of Saturn’s demands for hard work this week, and Neptune’s diffuse imaginings. Just for Virgo: socializing outside of work, for business purposes, might make the week pass by both more quickly and more productively.
Venus in an air sign tends to work well for Libra Sun and Venus will remain in Gemini until the end of this week. Balancing and cooperating in an energetic manner works well for Libra this week, especially on May 1 and 2. A certain creativity, and thoughtful application of it, is a strong theme for you this week and strongest on May 7. May 6 and 7 are opportunities for using social graces to attract attention to your efforts, particularly at work, and use technology or the “tools of your trade” to make significant progress in your projects at work or in personal endeavors. Libra Sun is also in a good position this week to implement the “creative networking” theme productively. A week that tends to revolve around other people – an opportunity for Libra Sun to shine brightly. Just for Libra: no additional insights for Libra this week.
The continuing theme of using creativity under organizational structure, acting decisively and in a focused manner in the immediate present, and showing leadership continues this week for Scorpio. A full Moon in your Sun’s sign is also a notable event for you this week; the intensity of the full Moon acts in unity with your conscious desire to transform. A feeling of refreshment and purging with the Scorpio full Moon, especially for Scorpio Sun. Ambitious projects tend to flow better for Scorpio at the beginning of the week. Transiting Sun in Taurus opposite mid-Scorpio at the end of the week signifies a chance for you to become grounded, enjoy a sense of stability, and awaken the senses. The theme of “expanding knowledge” also continues for Scorpio Sun this week, useful for progressing at work or learning subjects of interest in personal life. Just for Scorpio: anticipating trends through research and finding little-known information can be of benefit.
Close relationships continue to be a prominent theme for Sagittarius Sun this week. Close relationships also have an element of spontaneity and adventure that becomes slightly more pronounced as the week progresses. Your emotional life tends to be more influential on May 6 and 7, but Mercury in his home sign, and opposite your Sun’s sign, raises interesting possibilities for networking and other tasks involving socializing and the mind. The Scorpio full Moon on May 4 also is more influential than average for Sagittarius among the signs. New horizons can certainly be visited with such a transformational Moon event. Neptune’s spirituality and Pluto’s transformational properties provide various opportunities for creative change through assimilating new perspectives. This week is also about doing difficult, but potentially rewarding, work in order to gain greater conscious awareness. Just for Sagittarius: consider how to use your adaptive qualities to learn from authority figures this week.
This week has a theme of uncovering information and using the past as a guide for Capricorn Sun. Dealing with the root cause of various issues and providing assistance is also a continuing theme for you this week. A zest for using logic, networking, and gathering information works well for Capricorn’s ambitions, especially at work. May 3 is the strongest day for using structure and organization to communicate and transfer ideas effectively. Heightened creativity through effort is still a theme for Capricorn this week, although it’s continuing to wane, and the “controlled expansion” theme is all but gone…however, greater ambition, drive, and assertiveness starts showing as a new theme for Capricorn Sun as the week draws to a close. Making efforts to cooperate and be in harmony with other individuals or as a member of a team might have subtle difficulties starting around mid-week, but potential gains from collaborating can be worth the effort. Just for Capricorn: considering how facts and details of various situations are connected can be helpful for you this week.
A sense of optimism and expansiveness in close relationships is again a theme this week for Aquarius Sun. Watch for May 6 as a day to feel emotionally connected and being active in close relationships. Mercury in an air sign meshes well with your Sun, also in an air sign. Look for opportunities to congregate, share information, and enjoy socializing (helpful for other areas of life, perhaps even work and career). Connecting with other people emotionally tends to work best on May 1 and then at the end of the week, May 6 and 7. Difficult work used to develop new perspectives and change various areas of your life can certainly have its rewards this week, with the May 4 date important for Aquarius Sun. A lighter feel to your week with the exception of a heavier day on May 4. Just for Aquarius: no additional insights for Aquarius this week.
The full Moon in a water sign is of interest for Pisces Sun. Pisces Sun enjoys imagination and creativity, so possibilities are very much part of your vocabulary. Perhaps a sense of anticipation and going with the flow is part of Pisces Sun’s perceptions based on the Scorpio full Moon. Creativity for Pisces Sun tends to be heightened at the beginning of the week. Jupiter also has a subtle influence this week (think optimism and growth, given some effort to reach Jupiter’s expansive qualities). This week also has a nice theme starting for you with Mercury entering his home sign. Heightened creativity and adapting to various circumstances through exerting effort, for example, via logical problem-solving, is a nice potential benefit for Pisces Sun. Finding ways to gather or share information and making new contacts or revisiting previous contacts are among many avenues available for Pisces this week. Overall a week filled with potential. Just for Pisces: no additional insights for Pisces this week.
Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to triplewaterastrology@yahoo.com.