Triple Water Astrology – The Critical Degree! Weekly Horoscope – Week Starting Friday, May 15, 2015

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This is a busy week in the Gemini sign! Mars is already in early Gemini, and Mercury in his home sign, Gemini, will retrograde this week. The Moon also saunters through Gemini for a few days and very importantly, Sun enters Gemini at the end of the week. Potentially productive activities this week include use of assertive communication, actively networking, and ambitiously gathering information. Mercury’s retrograde quality is nothing to be feared! He is saying a second or third effort might be worth the trouble, and even return a more favorable result than success on the first try.

The struggle between Mercury and Neptune, both in their home signs, continues this week. Mars’ drive, ambition, and will acts with Mercury’s logic and thought, and both are in tension with the planet of inspiration and imagination. Mercury additionally takes on some of the qualities of nearby Mars, as Mercury is a neutral planet. Thus a lot of willful energy for socializing and step-by-step problem solving is available. Neptune’s better qualities (creativity, for example) can be part of the Mercury-Mars theme, given the effort. Be wary of misunderstandings and expending energy in vain, however!

Venus enters the long-standing fray between Uranus and Pluto this week, forming a cardinal t-square. Initiating various cooperative projects has its difficulties, but also nice potential. “Powerful innovation” via collaboration sets the stage for a potentially productive week.

What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.


You have a direct opportunity to take part in the Mercury-Neptune theme of “inspired thought” this week. Nurturing and protective qualities are also stronger than average for your assertive Sun. You might feel like being a loner during the first half of the week (May 15 to 18) and also be aware of past issues possibly returning until about May 18. The salient theme for Aries Sun this week is dealing with structure. This is most intense at the beginning of the week, but lasts all week. External and internal authority, discipline, and responsibility tend to characterize your week; thus, it can be very productive in return for the effort, but the tradeoff – and challenge – is working through various restrictions. Just for Aries: if you require assistance, carefully consider if someone can be relied upon.


Transiting Sun will leave your Sun’s sign at the end of the week. However, you still have most of the week to enjoy the powerful core of the solar system in your sign – a prime opportunity to consider how to maximize your purpose in life, express your unique identity, and create the life you desire. The week starts well with the opportunity to effectively practice your specialty, show leadership, and use organization to move forward with your goals (be quick, as this theme quickly dissipates on May 16). The week ends (May 21) with a nice connection to Jupiter’s abundance. Creativity tends to flow easily for Taurus this week. Building your personal power through innovative means is also at your disposal, given the effort. Reflecting on your future direction via your past experiences might also be productive for you this week. Just for Taurus: application of what you’re “good at” can help your career this week.


May 18 is a day of “shifting gears” for everyone, and Gemini Sun is perhaps most affected by Mercury going retrograde in his home sign. A sense of abundance and ambition also characterizes your week, however, creating a theme of “change for the better”. Enjoyment of pets and nature is also a plus for Gemini Sun this week, as you anticipate Sun entering 0 degrees of your sign. Potential for wasted effort this week is something to pay attention to, as Gemini Sun runs the risk of being “right back where you started” despite various efforts applied to your aspirations. Your efforts this week have a better chance of being beneficial if you use creative methods and adapt to obstacles. Still, this can be a productive week, especially if you bear end results and future direct in mind. Just for Gemini: complicated situations are best viewed in the context of slowing down! Consider all angles with your airy energy.


Watch for opportunities to meet the week with zest and fire! Implementing a strategy to deal with the usual ups and downs of the week works well for Cancer at the beginning of the week. May 16 and 17 emphasize the power of Venus in your Sun’s sign. Harmony and cooperation in the home environment can be refreshing and relaxing for you on those days. The first three days of the week are also opportune for wrapping up projects. Mercury retrograde affects you more directly than average this week, just as with Gemini Sun. “Re-considering” and taking pause at critical times this week will help your projects and aspirations move forward. Watch for opportunities to use assertive communication and “ambitious networking” on May 18. Your week ends on May 21 with a renewed, comfortable emphasis on the ease and harmony amongst family and in the home. Just for Cancer: in frustrating situations of repeatedly attempting to accomplish a task, look to Venus’ cooperation and enlist the help of other people.


The ‘jolt’ for Leo this week is at the end of the week. The days leading up to the end of the week are busy and potentially rewarding. Applying structure (and at times, working around restrictions) is an overarching theme for you all week and becomes stronger as the week goes on. May 16 has potential if you dress to impress, focus on cooperation at work or at home, and taking the initiative in forging agreements that all parties can benefit from. May 18 and 19 are probably the most intense days of the week for Leo Sun. A test of persistence versus stagnation…how will you use form and groundedness to accomplish what you want this week? A sense of using stamina and patience to achieve your goals. May 20 and 21 are also important for Leo. Persistent efforts applied to difficult work can pay off at the end of the week. Just for Leo: when you’re dealing with various situations, consider if other parts fit into the “big picture” if you’re not arriving at a solution.


You have a strong connection to “transformative power” and “optimistic perspectives” this week. Mercury retrograding this week is important for Virgo Sun, with Mercury also squaring your Sun by sign. Mercury in Gemini likes to gather knowledge, but your penchant is for analysis. Efforts made to network, accumulate knowledge, and exchange useful information can be tougher than average for you this week, but the potential rewards can be worth the work. Close relationships are a plus for Virgo this week. Your penchant for meticulous detail and earthy sense of structure also helps with Neptune’s influence. Working to accommodate Neptune’s nebulous influence through incorporating structure can assist you in finding creative solutions to problems and touching spirit this week. Just for Virgo: with Mercury going retrograde, what might you “re-design” in your life to help you draw closer to various goals?


With Mercury going retrograde, and a focus on moving “backwards”, Libra Sun has a contradictory theme this week of looking forward, especially on May 18 and 19. May 18 and 19 are also opportune days for examining various new ideas and how they might improve your life. Thinking about abstract concepts and reaching a true understanding of various situations and ideas are strong themes on those days as well. Using the mind and focusing on personal growth this week combines to form a basis for using your personal power to balance well with other people, given the effort. This is a salient theme for you at the end of the week. A fair amount of tension in the heavens this week is hitting Libra, but the opportunities also abound for those willing to do difficult work. Also watch for sudden insights and ways to effectively implement innovative ideas throughout the week. This theme melds nicely with the chance you have to move forward on May 18 and 19 with Mercury moving backwards. Just for Libra: Consider how being “under the radar” this week in various situations might help you achieve your goals (without fanfare, but still crossing the finish line!).


Your long-running theme of being driven to complete goals, using highly focused energy, and exhibiting organizational creativity and leadership continues for yet another week. Various factors certainly add to the mix of this theme for Scorpio Sun. Shifting gears with Mercury going retrograde is probably first and foremost. Charging forward, which has been of use for you lately, might result in have to back up and charge forward another few times. Hence, a bit of planning and slight pause can go a long way. A nice sense of abundance also characterizes the week for you, as does some ease by the end of the week. Disruption is also part of the equation for Scorpio, thus reiterating the need to slow down just a tad. This week is also strong for support via close relationships, with May 18 most prominent. If you can adjust to Mercury retrograde in mid-week, a potentially productive week stands ahead of you. Just for Scorpio: how might a complicated problem become more manageable through simplifying it?


The theme of close relationships as a source of support is very strong at the beginning of the week and begins to slowly wane by the week’s end. Relationships in general, however, are most emphasized at week’s end. Mercury currently resides in Gemini, opposite your Sun’s sign. Finding a way to balance your desire to expand and explore with Mercury’s logic takes an additional twist when Mercury retrogrades. Your ability to adapt and use the mind can flow with the change very well, however. Looking at both the forest and the trees can be of benefit if you’re able to take a step back once in a while this week. Scorpio’s long standing theme also becomes yours this week starting on May 19. Taking quick action, responding to organization in a creative manner and even taking on a leadership role, and taking action (hopefully with retrograde Mercury cooperating) has its opportunities for Sagittarius. Just for Sagittarius: watch for opportunities to excel in competitive situations.


Capricorn’s drive and ambition might be tested this week! Grit and determination is the name of the game for you this week, especially at the beginning of the week. Consider how this can provide the most satisfying results, however. This week is about giving the effort. Watch for inspiration via hard work and take advantage of Neptune’s creativity as that will evaporate for you as a theme within the next month. Use of logic and effective communication feels different at mid-week, but your sense of structure tends to handle the retrograde Mercury effectively. A refreshed sense of identity also emerges as a theme for Capricorn at week’s end. Altogether reasonable chances for a productive week. Just for Capricorn: consider seeking solitude in your favorite place if you need a break this week.


Mercury in an air sign is quite agreeable for Aquarius Sun! Deeper thought and turning ideas over more in your mind can result from Mercury going retrograde. Otherwise the cosmic ride for you is reasonably smooth this week. “Abundance in close relationships” won’t last for too much longer, however, it’s a strong theme for you this week and will actually become even better in the near future. Sun moving into an air sign at the end of the week also works well for you. Personal will, sense of identity, and thinking and communicating act in harmony with your airy sign. Aquarius is the sign of the future, and North Node in Libra is also encouraging you to think (air element) about your future direction. Mercury’s retrograde is thus occurring at a time when looking forward, and not backward, is a favorable theme for you. This is also true this week for another airy sign, Libra. Just for Aquarius: who can show you the light at the end of the tunnel this week?


Opportunity for harmony with other people, especially in the family and at home, is strong for Pisces Sun this week with the peak on May 16. Meeting Mercury this week has its difficulties for you, but Saturn’s stability and structure can be an ally if Mercury starts creating mischief. Creative expression, especially via writing or verbally, can be your strong suit this week. The “grit and determination” theme in force for some of the other signs also affects Pisces this week. Your adaptive and imaginative qualities will probably be of great use in coping with various challenges this week. Do not fret, however, because meeting the challenges of the week can be very productive for you, especially if you use step-by-step methods to solve problems and gather as much information as is practically possible to assist you. Overall tends to be an average week for Pisces, with opportunities here and there to shine. Just for Pisces: commitment can be admirable, but consider whether it works for you if it’s not own your own terms.

Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to
