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Sun, Mercury, and Mars form a stellium in Gemini all week, that becomes more concentrated as the week passes. The Gemini stellium, led by Mercury retrograde, squares Neptune in Pisces. Thought, ambition, and vitality clash with the effusive, amorphous Neptune. Air dominates water; thus, the Mercury-led trio has an edge over the mighty Neptune, but only after a difficult struggle. Perhaps Chiron is providing clues about how to deal with the difficult squares this week. He is well past Neptune, but still in Pisces, and making a wide square to Mercury. What kind of insight and spiritual growth can be attained when heated logic competes with illusive dreams and imagination? I can almost hear Chiron telling us that the most tense aspects lead to the greatest growth and triumph in the end.
Venus is also active this week, helping to form a cardinal t-square with Pluto and Uranus. Venus’ collaboration and harmony edge into the long-standing Uranus-Pluto’s conflict. With effort, Venus’ qualities can help to implement meaningful change and improved methods and structures.
Eight of the ten planets are involved in tense patterns with one another, creating a poignant theme of “opportunities in the difficulties” this week.
What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.
Mercury retrograde is influential for you this week. The challenge for Aries Sun this week is to reconsider various ideas or decisions. Time spent deliberating can save energy later on. Authority is also influential for you this week, strongest at the beginning of the week. In addition to the working with structure theme this week, you have an opportunity to assert authority of your own based on your area of specialization. This lasts from May 22 to May 24. A lot of airy energy is of influence for your fiery Sun this week. May 26 to 28 is opportune for using logic and thought to attain a deep understanding of various problems or theories, and the end of the week is also an opportunity for Aries to reach large amounts of people. Just for Aries: if you really need someone to understand your point this week, it’s worth repeating!
The beginning of the week can have its nice moments for you, although it might also seem hectic. Enjoying abundance in close relationships is a subtle theme for Taurus on May 22 and 23. Activities requiring focused effort, organization, leadership, and immediate action have best chances for Taurus Sun on May 22 this week. Challenges throughout the week for you include rethinking perspectives and considering the value of going your own way. An opportunity to rebuild parts of your life in an innovative manner is definitely present, if you’re willing to do the difficult work. Look for inspiration from the powerful Neptune during the first half of the week if you need it! Just for Taurus: if you need to multitask or have a lot on your plate this week, consider asking for assistance.
Although Mercury is moving backwards in your Sun’s sign this week, this can be a chance for you to look forward. Have you taken time to reconsider your future direction? This is a good week for doing so. Ambition and drive is also a strong suit for Gemini Sun, with a “peak day’” on May 26, in spite of the potentially difficult Neptune influence. Words and ideas, typically not in short supply for you, are on overdrive from May 23 to May 27. Hard work and perseverance in pursuing creative endeavors can also pay off this week. A feeling of increasing restriction starts to creep in by the end of the week for Gemini, but responding well to structure can provide needed stability to help you through the week. Overall chances are good for a productive week, if you give the effort to make it so. Just for Gemini: friendships can be fun this week, but watch for potential tempests in a teapot.
The week begins with an emphasis on abundance in close relationships for Cancer Sun. Nurturing qualities are also elevated for Cancer on May 22 and 23. Thus family life can be enjoyable at the start of the week, reflecting Venus’ transit in your Sun’s sign. May 25 tends to be more difficult. The Mercury-Neptune struggle influences you directly on that day. May 25 is an opportunity to think creatively and speak in an inspiring manner, if you can navigate the strong waves of Mercury retrograde. May 27 and 28 reflect Venus in your Sun’s sign again. The end of the week repeats – very appropriately, with Mercury retrograde – a theme of abundance in close relationships and heightened nurturing qualities. Cancer will probably enjoy home life this week, but the week is not without opportunities to shine at work. Just for Cancer: appearances can be deceiving!
Neptune’s illusions can be a struggle for you this week, but Saturn helps you stay focused and grounded. Saturn might actually feel restrictive at the beginning of the week for you, but he quickly becomes more of a stabilizer as Neptune starts to become more influential. Leo Sun also has a possibly challenging day on May 24. May 24 is a day of acknowledging reality for Leo, and using that fiery energy to stay the course. Past influences might surface, but melding various parts of your experience into something new and useful is also possible. Even with the retrograde, Mercury’s logic can be of great use for you this week, with the strongest time at the end of the week. May 28 is opportune for showing leadership and expertise, perhaps even in a creative manner, utilizing the better side of Neptune in his home sign. Just for Leo: working to find the source of a problem can keep you moving forward this week.
Mercury retrograde squaring your Sun by sign has its advantages. Finding information might take more effort than usual, but your penchant for analysis can work well with Mercury retrograde. Projects involving deep thought and meticulous problem solving can be productive for you this week. The beginning of the week also has a theme of “expanding power” for you. The key to amalgamating the use of your mind with expanding power this week is to include other people in the process. Virgo Sun’s week starts with a theme of collaborating in a group, and ends with a theme of working with authority and structure. Focusing on developing influence and perspectives at the beginning of the week coalesces into the benefits of productive efforts at the end of the week, with a bit of luck and a lot of work. Just for Virgo: if you’re at a standstill, would changing directions move you forward again?
The strong airy energy this week can be of use for Libra Sun. Libra Sun does not really join in the fray of the Mercury-Neptune conflict. A smoother connection to energetic thought helps you along this week, although Mercury retrograde in his home sign demands adjustments from everyone. Focusing on using the mind this week can be useful for you. A deepening sense of other people’s perspectives, especially through the written word, can help generate ideas and insights into furthering your goals. Libra has a bit of a different experience this week than the rest of the signs; focusing on forging your own path, and dedication and commitment to various causes, is a theme for Libra this week. Just for Libra: no one to chat with? Find solace and refuge with a good book this week.
The long standing theme of leadership, organizational creativity, focus, and being in the moment will fade for you after this week, but what a run for Scorpio! Completing projects that require your intensity is a strong theme for this week. Mercury in retrograde can also work well for Scorpio Sun this week, if you’re willing to go at Mercury’s pace (which contradicts the quick action theme this week a bit). One of Scorpio’s strongest suits this week is relationships. Both close relationships and relationships in general have potential for helping you reach your goals this week, with the beginning of the week the strongest time for doing so. Jupiter’s optimism also helps you along all week. Will, drive, ambition, and application of energy starts to become prominent for you at the end of the week, thus, this week is about using your personal energy and forming alliances to complete what you want or need to have done. Just for Scorpio: feeling competitive this week?
Mercury’s retrograde hits you at the beginning of the week, but the effect fades as the week goes on. Still, carefully considering whether ideas are communicated well, that tasks are fully completed, and so on, would be wise throughout the Mercury retrograde period. Various changes might also be headed your way, especially earlier in the week (recall the opening remarks about “opportunities in the difficulties” and bear in mind some changes might also be welcome). Close relationships are still a plus this week for Sagittarius Sun, and you might have noticed a renewed passion in your close relationships, which continues this week. Organizational leadership and envisioning the future, in order to formulate goals to work towards, is a powerful theme for you this week – take advantage of it, as it won’t last! Other than some possible disruption from Uranus and Mercury opposite your Sun’s sign creating potential mischief, this week is rather promising for Sagittarius. Just for Sagittarius: taking care in how you structure collaborative efforts can go a long way this week.
The Gemini trio of planets (Sun, Mercury, and Mars) is directly affecting Capricorn all week. If you are able to assert yourself, communicate well despite the obstacles, and think clearly even if everything is haywire, this can be a stellar week for you. Other than the Gemini influence, this is a relatively slow week for Capricorn. Considering your role in your career, and how it’s changed (and will continue to) with Pluto transiting your Sun’s sign can be an effective exercise this week. Neptune can also be edgy this week in Capricorn Sun land…envisioning what you want and implementing creative solutions to problems, particularly with Mercury playing tricks, is an appropriate outlet for teaming up with Neptune this week (and a caveat is in order: it will require a lot of work!). A theme this week for Capricorn Sun of “staying the course”. Just for Capricorn: no additional insights for Capricorn this week.
Aquarius has Jupiter’s abundance providing a helpful boost this week. Relationships are also front and center for Aquarius this week. Close relationships tend to flow smoothly, while relationships in general tend to require more effort to maintain. If relationships in general, and communicating in particular, becomes problematic, creative ideas and methods of problem-solving can help Aquarius have a successful week. The airy planets in Gemini, an air sign, are a plus for Aquarius, especially if you find a way to navigate the powerful Mercury retrograde. Decent chances for a productive week for Aquarius. Just for Aquarius: if you are at a crossroads, watch carefully for someone or something to light the way for you.
Mercury’s influence tends to dominate your week. Mercury retrograde can be an advantage for your mutable Pisces Sun. How can you adapt to Mercury retrograde? Pisces’ creativity and ability to see a problem from various angles can help make the week an interesting challenge. Drive, will, ambition, and application of energy can also be of benefit, if you are willing to put forth the effort to use these qualities. Creative use of the mind is a strong theme for you this week, strongest at week’s end. Saturn is still providing just enough influence to pull everything together, but of course, he demands that a person become grounded, disciplined, and focused on structure. Perhaps the “difficulties in the opportunities” theme this week resonates most for Pisces. Just for Pisces: situations requiring compassion this week are your forte.
Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to triplewaterastrology@yahoo.com.