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This week begins with seven of the ten planets residing in six consecutive signs, from Neptune in Pisces to Jupiter in Leo. Neptune and Jupiter also form a vague aspect at the beginning of the week, suggesting an emphasis on spirituality.
Mars changes signs at mid-week and his opposition to Saturn additionally becomes an opposition by sign. Mars opposition Saturn can be tough, but also signifies a rugged determination and will to succeed despite the obstacles. Mercury is opposite Saturn all week, calling additional attention to Saturn’s demand for structure. The trio forms the base of a double mutable t-square with Neptune. Creativity and spiritual experiences can result from disciplined thought and action, for those willing to make the effort.
Juno finally catches up to Jupiter at the end of the week. A long run of enjoying abundance in close relationships reaches its highest point on May 14.
What might this week portend for you? Consider your Sun sign and rising sign/ascendant as well.
Aries Sun has a theme of stability and persistence from May 8 to May 10. This can be a strong plus for projects and tasks that require steady determination to finish. Do be aware of going in circles with your efforts…some type of assistance or fresh approach can help maximize this opportunity for you, if you’re spinning your tires with something. Watch for a change on May 11. Aries’ focus tends to shift from collaboration and aesthetics to using the mind and obtaining information. Working within a structure and responding to authority becomes much more important for you starting on May 11. Your strong, fiery Sun is a decent match for the challenges of this week, which can be very productive. Just for Aries: how will you mesh your personal ambitions with the needs of others this week?
The “creativity and spirituality” theme works well for Taurus Sun this week. Structure and authority are also influential for you through most of the week, but you can reap benefits if you combine creative efforts with the demands of other people or the difficult work that your aspirations require. May 9 and 10 can be tough days, with issues from the past possibly returning in an unpleasant manner, but the opportunity for personal growth is also present (for example, an epiphany that permits you to see the reality of some influence in your life). Watch carefully for opportunities to shine on May 14, using your area of specialty and expertise to move your goals forward and impress key people. Just for Taurus: look for insights about something important, being able to step back and see a process from the very beginning to the very end.
The opportunity for Taurus Sun to exhibit leadership and authority via demonstrating a high level of expertise on the last day of the week is relevant for Gemini Sun on the first day of the week. Working within organization works very well for Gemini Sun on May 8. Your Sun’s ruler, Mercury, in his dominion is also a strong plus for you. With effort, the Mercury-Neptune square can be a jackpot of imaginative ideas and creatively finding information for current or later use. May 11 has potential for keen insights into problems or various areas of interest, as well as thinking about the future and reaching large numbers of people with your ideas. The Jupiter-Juno theme of abundance in close relationships becomes influential from about May 12 until the end of the week. Definitely a potentially productive and “go for it!” week for Gemini Sun. Just for Gemini: don’t be surprised if you’re caught up in conversation with friends more often than usual.
Businesslike ambition and drive start the week off for Cancer Sun. May 8 has potential for changes, especially at work. May 9 is the best opportunity of the week for you to increase your influence, popularity, and productivity, especially in the workplace. The first part of the week, therefore, is an opportunity to focus on work. May 10 directly influences Cancer Sun with the Jupiter-Juno theme of abundance in close relationships. May 9 and 10 also emphasize your nurturing qualities. May 12 is an opportunity to express heightened imaginative qualities and exhibit loyalty in an intensified manner (this week tends to bring out some of Cancer’s better qualities and amplify them). Of interest, May 14 is opportune for both considering the past – another Cancerian affinity – and anticipating the future. Just for Cancer: very much in tune with the pronounced Cancer qualities, this week can be ideal for hosting a gathering or party.
Your ruling planet remains in the Taurus sign through the week. Watch for opportunities to express dedication, persistence, and focus this week, especially from May 8 to May 11. May 8 and 9 might also bring disruption or upheavals, but also watch for flashes of insight and a geyser of ideas on those days. The week tends to quiet down for Leo Sun after May 11. However, the Jupiter-Juno theme of abundance in close relationships lingers until about May 12, definitely an opportunity to enjoy being around your significant other. The fixed quality of your Sun and Sun in Taurus works well for applying effort to finishing projects and tenaciously working on tasks to completion. Just for Leo: use your determination to succeed in competitive situations this week.
You have an opportunity this week to seriously consider your future direction, at work or in other endeavors. Responding to authority is also a theme for Virgo Sun this week, if not at work (which might involve directly or indirectly dealing with the “boss’s boss”) then possibly in other areas of life (government workers and officials, those who have authority based on their knowledge, etc.). Virgo always seems to have a close bond to work, however, this is your week to enjoy Jupiter’s optimism and growth, and the niceties of close relationships. Ambition and drive is strongest for Virgo Sun starting on May 12. May 12 also heavily reinforces the “future” theme for you this week, an opportune day to envision the future you want and use your earthy penchant for details to begin actuating it. Just for Virgo: consider the benefits of changing your strategy in “mid stream” this week.
Your ruling planet, Venus, in the Cancer sign, creates opportunities for enjoying family life and initiating new collaborative projects. This week tends to start as a bit mired in the past for Libra Sun. Opportunities to look forward become more pronounced for you starting on May 11, however. The Jupiter-Juno theme this week certainly is amenable to Libra, although it doesn’t affect you as directly as some of the other signs. Caring for others and drawing closer to spirit is a strong theme for Libra this week, especially after May 11. Using your natural balancing skills as a stepping stone to align with a greater collective is an interesting possibility for Libra this week, if that is of interest. Just for Libra: caution in using information is warranted this week.
You have a continuing opportunity this week to show leadership, initiative, and creativity within an organizational structure. This can sound contradictory or paradoxical in a way (structure can impede creativity and initiative, for example), however, the power of ordering and harnessing creativity is a potential boon for Scorpio Sun. Reacting quickly and focusing on the immediate moment is also a continuing theme for you. This is especially pronounced for those who work with machinery and tools, heavy equipment, firearms, or have an association with the military. Solving intellectual problems using logic and sequential thought is also of benefit for Scorpio by the end of the week, all the more powerful with the “organizational creativity” theme. The week is not without its lighter side, with Jupiter/Juno offering the opportunity to experience abundance in close relationships. Just for Scorpio: are you ready to be a conciliator this week, if necessary?
Networking and learning works well as a theme for Sagittarius Sun this week. The long-running theme of abundance through close relationships for Sagittarius will start to wind down after this week. However, this theme is at its strongest at the end of this week. Enjoy support and good times in your close relationships. Generating innovative ideas, gathering information, and intuiting instant solutions to problems are all possibilities for you this week, which can culminate in powerful perspectives. This is accentuated in the area of work and lasts from May 11 to May 14. Just for Sagittarius: how will you expand your limits this week?
Forming relationships through networking is the beginning theme for Capricorn Sun this week. Your emotional base also tends to be strongest at the beginning of the week, giving you a nice foundation for meeting this week’s challenges. The week might also feel less “heavy” and enmeshed in past issues after May 12. Mid-week is also a shift for Capricorn, in that a renewed sense of ambition and drive can occur, particularly in how you use your mind, knowledge, and manner of communication to move ahead. You have an opportunity to combine imagination and creativity into your finished products this week, given the effort. Overall a potentially productive week. Just for Capricorn: if you’re at a crossroads, what are you hearing from within?
This is a somewhat quiet week for Aquarius Sun. The idea of finishing projects attunes well with the fixed nature of both your Sun’s sign and Sun in Taurus. Your Sun sign tends to work with ideas and the future, among many other items, and taking time to enjoy Venus’ ease with the Sun in the earthy Taurus sign can be a nice break for you. Jupiter’s abundance in close relationships flows smoothly for you this week, as it has for some time. May 9 to May 11 emphasizes your emotional life and unconscious needs, further highlighting the idea of taking time to reflect this week. Mercury in his home sign, an air sign, is also a plus for you. Gathering information for work or leisure has nice potenial this week. Just for Aquarius: perhaps you can guide someone who needs you to “show them the way”.
Commitment to an ideal or cause, whether very personally your own or widespread among many people, is influential for Pisces for the first and perhaps second day of the week. This can mesh well with a greater than average penchant for communicating and using logic, given the effort. Pisces Sun has potential for greater ambition, drive, and responding to structure this week, especially after May 12, so career interests are highlighted for you this week. Neptune in his home sign is not even a third of the way through his – and your Sun’s – sign. Savor the opportunity to be creative, imagine your future, and participate in spiritual experiences. Saturn of influence can feel restrictive, but provides the necessary structure to temper, and at the same time, heighten Neptunian experiences. Just for Pisces: your natural creativity can help you solve riddles this week, particularly why someone might be offering or asking for assistance.
Disclaimer: please consult the appropriate professional in regards to any area of your life discussed in this horoscope, as it is not intended to replace them. This is for entertainment purposes only and contains the personal opinions of the writer. Offense to any reader is unintentional. Any problem or protest with the newsletter or the opinions of the author should be relayed to triplewaterastrology@yahoo.com.