Trust in UK banks 'at all time low'

Rain's picture

PressTV, August 9, 2012

More than 7 out of ten people in Britain believe the banking sector has not learnt lessons from the massive global credit crunch five years ago, reflecting the growing public disillusionment with the banking sector.

A study by consumer rights campaigners, Which?, from 2,000 adults found that 71 percent believe the banking sector has still lessons to learn, compared to 61 percent last September.

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Why are we still even asking

Guest's picture

Why are we still even asking the question "have they learnt from their mistakes" ???

The only mistake they made was getting caught!!

I thought as a planet we were beyond falling for this bait and switch type journalism..the only question that should be getting asked globally is "why have we not shut down this corrupt, criminal cartel as yet"

Haven"t we all woken up to the illegal activities and control mechanism that the banking institute has inforced on the world...I thought we were going to arrest and dismantle this system...still don't see anything of value happenning yet??l

Has it all just been another part of the game to keep everyone comfortable on their couch, "thinking something is going on" when in fact it's just the next move on the chessboard for those at the top!

Are we awake yet?