Trust Yourself - Elizabeth Sadhu

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July 15, 2013 Elizabeth Sadhu

One of my blog posts

Hello everyone—I heard today that the topic is to TRUST YOURSELF! Yes, they told me to yell that one.  :-) icon_smile Part of what I have been learning lately is listening and trusting. It has been challenging at times since the messages I get may be counter to something that I ALWAYS do or counter to what my honey wants to do but I can feel myself get a little agitated if I DON’T listen. Does this resonate with anyone?

For instance, this weekend we were at a dancing weekend event, where we were to dance Friday night, all day Saturday, Saturday night, Sunday morning and afternoon and then again Sunday evening. Ordinarily, I would dance ALL of it and have a blast. Be very tired at the end of it but love it. At some point this weekend I just had to stop. I paused and got very still and heard that I needed to just ago with the flow Saturday night and see what happened. I danced a few dances, had a ton of fun and then I asked my honey to take me home at the break. I went home and watched a movie, just some alone time, and I felt renewed!

I laugh now because it seems so simple. But there is something about missing fun, something about letting people down (especially my honey) and something like guilt for not DOING IT ALL! Oh my gosh…….such a silly human I am. But I am guessing that there are a few of you out there who can relate.

I ended up NOT going to the morning dancing on Sunday  and just went for the afternoon and evening and I had a whale of a time or I really should say a dolphin of a time. (More on that later.) So my weekend experience was a beautiful connection with friends, dancing gleefully and zestfully and with much silly; I call the whole experience contra therapy. We do contra dancing, which is the most fun and connected-with-the-whole-room dancing I have ever experienced. It opens your heart, gets your juices flowing and you feel ONE with everyone you interact with.

Anyway, a great weekend and a lot of that was because I listened to myself. I trusted that my Inner Voice, my deepest part of myself KNEW exactly what I needed.

By the way, I tend to dance in a kind of wiggly fashion which I started calling Dolphin Dancing. I will try to post a video sometime. And as I interacted with folks and did my Dolphin Dancing, they then were Dolphin Dancing with me. This created so much joy and hilarity and riotous laughter! Very therapeutic and just darn fun!

Part of what I learning is that each moment is it’s own moment. Individual minutes, hours, days. Each moment is new and I am learning to flow with it. Listening to that still small voice within. I trust myself.

Love and light and healing laughter to you all!!


