Trusting Uncertainty

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Trusting uncertainty sounds paradoxical. Attachment to our identification with the personality makes it feel as though nothing good will come out of our circumstances. The personality has good intent but many of its actions are misguided. A life without self-worth drives it to madness of which it is largely unaware. Failure to embrace what seems like uncertainty, doubt and instability heightens the madness. Acceptance is not always easy, especially at first. However, if we practice trusting uncertainty with the little things in our lives we will be more prepared for the bigger things.

 Every step on the path to spiritual awakening verifies that we are an important part of the universe which is always under construction. Trusting and embracing the constant change is easier said than done. A large part of the personality’s job is to resist change. The desire to fix things according to it’s own idea of perfection causes attachment and frustration. Unconsciously blaming the circumstances and situations of our lives for not making us happy is common. What we really want is to be in union with the source of happiness. The feeling of worth or significance ceases to be a moving target when we realize WE ARE the infinite value which we seek.
