Truth Apnea

Rain's picture


Before It's News - 12/06/13, by Zen Gardner

It’s amazing how starved for truth such an informationally soaked world can be.

But here we are.

Sleep apnea, or discontinued, interrupted breathing during sleep, is a terrible condition for anyone, often requiring the assistance of breathing machines. It’s a relatively new affliction to our times often having to do with obesity and nervous conditions.

When applied to Truth this concept is so indicative of the vicious cycle we live in. The whole world is in this truth starvation cycle. Lack of life-giving air, as in the influx of truth, will cause some serious personal and societal repercussions, as exemplified by the current world’s confused and dilapidated state. It is beyond starved of fresh truth.

It now requires a machine to keep pumping (dis)information into its circulatory system. And who’s supplying the machined “air waves” they’re dependent on?

You guessed it.



