We are living times of liberation, purification and integration. Sombritas times that come from inside, to show that we did not want to see ..
For those who are now feeling the effects of these energies .. I dedicate this little writing ..
With Love,
Turn on your light
When you feel your road is dark. Think about the love in your heart, feel the little light that shines though sometimes very tenuously, never stops shining.
When you feel that nobody walks. Think about your angels and guides, although you can not hear or see, always walk with you, stepping on your tracks and guide your walk forward.
When all you see gray. Look inside the beautiful Crystal Rainbow in your heart shines with all colors of light.
When you feel you've made more mistakes than successes. Feel in your heart that does not exist error. That's all learning and as such, today and forever are learning to be better.
Sometimes guilt, resentment and pain are the only partners we have. And each of those feelings really just us from the truth of our hearts.
At all times, we are Light.
Light that shines with all colors.
Light that learns and grows as it turns off and on.
Light above all seeks to return to the original source that created it. And that source is pure love, is compassion.
Then, if the creation loves us so much, why should he blame, condemn and suffer?
Dare to see the light of your heart. You'll be amazed by its magnificence and order, you acknowledge the simple fact of being alive here and now.
You deserve it!
We are blessed in Love and Joy always!
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