Twelve Insight ~ You Are More Than You Imagine

Lia's picture

Twelve Insight | August 26 2012
One of the very best things that can happen for you is to realize that you are always already doing what Source has intended for you. You cannot not be a creator. The process is always on. The choice however of what you will create in your life has been left entirely up to you. You have absolute freedom of what you will think and energize with the power of Source.


The limits that you perceive to the achievement of anything in the physical are only as real as you believe them to be. The difficulties you encounter are only as real as you believe them to be. So while you can conceive anything within your imagination, what you manifest will be what you believe. There are no other limitations placed upon you: If you refuse to believe in the power of the limitation, or if you firmly believe in the power of Source to find a way to achieve anything, then all things will be possible for you.


Your mind and your world are a playground for source. And you are the director of the play. If you are experiencing friction between what you want and what you have, it is not the friction you and your world, it is the friction between your own thoughts that are congruent with what you want, and your own thoughts that are incongruent with what you want. To experience relief you only need to change the thoughts that don’t fit with the world, the life, the being that you want to be. Think from the conclusion. Think only the thoughts that match up with the you who lives in that imaginal place where you already have everything you want.


It’s OK to think happy thoughts even when your present circumstances suggest otherwise. In fact, it’s a requirement to think thoughts that are happier than your present circumstances suggest, if you want to go to a place that is happier.You don’t have to think the happiest thoughts that anyone ever has, simply think thoughts that improve upon your present. This will relieve the friction, the resistance to your everyday world.


Your present field of being is the landscape upon which your future life will be built. Love it to extremes. Love it even when it doesn’t deserve any. Remember, the Source Energy that flows through you is God’s love, and you have been chosen to be the director of that love and where it flows in this time and space, here and now.
You are even more than you imagine.





James Douglas or bretaw's picture

This is interesting to me... because I notice that I tend to have a possible limitiing belief that I need others to create my dreams, that it mights have to be that way in order to manifest. It's rather difficult for me to accept that I alone can accomplish such huge and seemingly complex things on my own. The friction I supppose relates to the feelings that I want others to co-create with me, it would be broing and lonely to do anything by my self. The magic and inspiration is in the group dream because that, to me, would be the most powerful example to the other parts of us that heart and soul can believe anything into creation.

Thanks For The Article,