Two Olympic UFOs Confirmed 2012 HD

Phil Rowen's picture

Published on Jul 30, 2012 by StephenHannardADGUK

This puts to rest the theory that the Olympic UFO was the Goodyear blimp, apart from the fact that the Blimp was indeed grounded during the opening ceremony, no anti-collision lights or strobes are visible on the unknown object. 

The second object, which at first I believed was a helicopter, does not have anti-collision lights or flashing strobes either, this proves the object is unidentified also. So now we have two confirmed UFOs at the opening of the London Olympics. (UFO or Unidentified Flying Object, does not necessarily mean Extraterrestrial in origin, it just means the object is unidentified). 



Yer so?

Guest's picture

This could be a back engineered craft of Human Earth orgins too.

There's probably more than's picture

There's probably more than two as they have the technology to dematerialize and cloke themselves as well.  Also, not sure the O. committe would agree to a blimp flying this close to fireworks.  This is real imho.

Olympic UFO

Earthchic's picture

I was thinking the same thing! Surely they wouldn't fly a Blimp so close to the fireworks!
We do remember the Hindenburg, right?
Aren't the blimps powered by gas of some kind, just like the Hindenburg or am I wrong?
It would seem to me that it would be VERY unsafe and probably illegal to fly a blimp that close to fireworks! Of course it could be the angle of the camera that makes it appear to be right in the path of the fire. But, if it was a spacecraft, it is totally plausible that it would not be affected by anything like fireworks!

I'm still wondering!