UFO Files - Majestic 12 - UFO Cover-Up Full Episode

Rain's picture




Published on Aug 4, 2012 by  mrchava


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UFO Files Episode 20 of the Series
Majestic Twelve: UFO Cover-Up.

What really happened in Roswell, New Mexico in the summer of 1947? Did a flying saucer crash in the vast desert scrub land? The initial Army Air Force press release claimed they had recovered a flying disk. But a day later, the story dramatically changed--now they called it a weather balloon! In 1987, secret documents surfaced indicating the existence of the "Majestic 12"--an elite group of scientists and military and intelligence officials, allegedly brought together by President Harry Truman. Did the MJ-12 truly exist? If so, did these men forever trivialize the most talked-about UFO event in history, as well as all UFO sightings thereafter?


