UFOs at Olympics Closing Ceremony

Rain's picture


UFOs at Olympics Closing Ceremony, August 12, 2012

 These are most of the videos that are available so far. I believe that there were GFL craft visible last night, but I AM not claiming to be certain of what is shown in these videos.

We are posting these as an "FYI - This is What People Are Talking About." At this point, nobody is saying, "These are starships." Remember, UFO stands for "Unidentified Flying Object."

Watch them, compare them, keep an eye out for more footage and feel free to comment. If you are going to comment, though, please try to remember what I have just said and be kind. It is possible to state your opinon without being rude or judgmental. We are Family and there is no need to be insulting or disrepectful when sharing your thoughts. The Golden Rule - check it out!

I AM pretty sure this is a blimp - presented for comparison.




Orange Light One


Orange Light Two


Orange Light Three


Orange Light Four


Object One

Object Two


Photos One


Photos Two



I feel like the "orange

Guest's picture

I feel like the "orange light" videos are misnamed. I think that light is part of the camera the person is using, but there are other things in those videos that I can't identify. Most interesting to me is the first one.

What things

Rain's picture

What things do you see, Guest? I AM curious to know what you are referring to. Thank you for commenting.


Oh, I see

Rain's picture

Yes, I see what you mean. Sorry, I got the videos mixed up when I was asking you that question. It's hard to keep track because I watched so many!

Goodyear Blimp

JohnI(2)'s picture

Yeah - footage of the blimp is distinguishable by:
-longer, thinner cigar-shape
-bluish coloration
-high viz CAA-regulation iz strobe and red 'n green nav
-sharper, clearer focus
... compared to the 'ghostly' fatter 'UFO' with no vic or nav lights

in the first video about 7

Guest's picture

in the first video about 7 seconds in there is a shine moving slowly from left to right over the orange light

Photos 2 looks like the OPENING Ceremony 'UFO'

JohnI(2)'s picture

This seems almost identical to parts of BBC News from early morning footage that I recorded from live BBC News n the 28th. 'Sure you're not confusing the two?

What time does the BBC clock say at this point? I have a complete recording of the closing ceremony - I didn't see anything live at the time but give me the timestamp so I can double check. TIA

If you want to see the videos and descriptions...

Rain's picture

If you want to see the videos and descriptions on YouTube, click on the title link that is inside the video frame at the top. For example, in the last video, click on where it says, "ufo or blimp at the London Olympic..."

We can only go by what people put in their video description at this point. The video says it is from the closing ceremony. That is all I can tell you.
Thanks for commenting!


Don Hayes's picture

Listen, if the space federation says they are going to show up at the closing ceremonies, then why are they so indistinguishable?  This is nothing like the UFOs who swooped down over Wrigley Field in the '50s.  They were there in broad daylight and the Air Force can't explain it away.  In the present case I think the medium can't distinguish a high vibration from a low vibration from the lower astral plane.  These lower beings are the ones who say they are God and to go out and shoot a bunch of people.

Disapearing Blimp???

Earthchic's picture

Unless a cloud came quickly over the floating object, I would have to call it extraterrestrial. As far as I know, blimps do not just vanish into thin air!! I'm definitely calling it a UFO!!