The Ultimate Guide to Aloe Vera and its Many, Often Unknown, Uses

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Aloe VeraJason Gilbert, Contributor
Waking Times

Aloe vera is the go-to remedy for more than just sunburns. This comprehensive guide explains the ancient plant’s origins and what it can be used for today.

Aloe vera’s rise to superfood status has been a long time coming.

Often extolled for its soothing qualities, aloe vera is most commonly used as a topical ointment for burns, sun damage and skin abrasions, but this ancient plant may offer deeper healing abilities when taken orally. Most of us are familiar with the presence of aloe vera in cosmetics and skin creams; it moisturizes and has anti-aging effects. However, many people who live according to a natural health philosophy have long viewed the plant as a potent superfood.

That’s right. As kale and blueberries quickly ascended to the top of superfood lists, aloe vera has remained a quiet competitor.
