As we move further into expanded energies, we see new creative geniuses coming forth to share their gifts with the world. Moving forward, we will see new masters in every conceivable field emerging from every location on planet Earth.
Many of these masters have never thought of themselves as such, yet each person has it within themselves to create great works. These include great works of art, literature, music and much more. Every conceivable field of human endeavor has its masters. The underlying thread all masterpieces hold in common is that they are the byproducts of a unified mind[=Heart] and soul.
Masterpieces are Encoded with the Essence of Spirit.
All great and enduring works are created through the union of mind[=Heart]. and soul. The conscious mind[=Heart] alone can do some things well but it cannot infuse creations without the breath of spirit. The conscious mind[=Heart] alone cannot encode creations without the essence of the soul, which speaks on some level to all people of all timeframes and all belief systems. A work infused with the essence of one's soul has the power to cut through all veneers and shields and touch us in the innermost realms of our heart.
Great Works Open Doorways in Consciousness
A great work opens pathways that help further unite us with our soul. No matter where we are on the map of our own consciousness, a great work has the power to bring us home to the place within ourselves where we are one with spirit.
A great work opens new portals in consciousness that allow others to create inner unity. Anything we infuse with the light of our soul and share with the world holds the power to transform all who encounter it.
Blessings and Abundance Follow a Unified Consciousness.
As one sends the love and blessings of their spirit out to the world, they find these blessings returned to them tenfold. All true abundance comes through energetic pathways we create when we marry our conscious mind[=Heart] to our higher self.
Accessing One's Repertoire of Gifts and Talents
Through inner unification, we gain access to the vast repertoire of gifts and talents we have acquired throughout the journey of our soul. Whenever a great artist, writer, musician inventor, scientist, athlete or other noted person has brought something of great and lasting value into the world, it has always been through unifying their conscious mind[=Heart] with their soul.
Unconditional Love and a Unifying Identity are Key
When our conscious mind[=Heart] unites with our soul all things become possible. All knowledge, all inspiration, all insight, all the wealth of spirit is available to a unified consciousness. When we work with our higher self, we are able to ask our soul to help us with whatever we seek to create. We merge with our soul through total unconditional love - for ourselves, for others and for what we seek to create. It is love and a vision of oneness that allows us to hold the identity of One who unites heaven and earth, mind[=Heart] and soul for the highest good of all.
For more on identity shifts, see Timeline and Identity Shifts: the New Science of Reality Creation by DL Zeta http://www.celestialvision.org/timeline-and-identity-shifts-e/
For more information, visit http://www.celestialvision.org/