by John McIntosh
Love that is unconditioned is an impossibility until all ego has dissolved.
The split mind ego has its phantom existence within the illusion of separation. Separation always lives in a cocktail of fears that generate myriad side effects including guilt, shame, remorse, defensiveness, covetousness, envy, hatred, aggressiveness, selfishness and above all `judgment`.
Most of these expressions are too painful to look at within and are projected out into the world onto others and the experiences it has in this state of limited consciousness. As a result all expressions of love have an agenda or conditions attached … no matter how subtle.
The ego is concerned for its own welfare and wears a wide variety of masks according to the many belief systems it acquires. Some of these appear very benign, even noble and selfless, but under the right conditions where a threat to its security is felt, it will show the color of its insanity.
Make no mistake, all egos are insane … some are Now becoming sane through Self Discovery. The proof of this is easily seen in each one`s personal experience of the world. No matter what appearance one gives, if there is not constant Peace within and a Freedom nothing can touch … the ego still holds its grip on your life.
To the one who has made the ultimate choice to be Free – No Matter What and followed it to Freedom, all attachments, all expectations and all identities have been exposed, embraced as God in disguise (since God is All That Is) and transformed back into Love.
This one is Free.
This does not mean that that one has given up the material world, it simply means the material world has no hold over them. Nothing can threaten them because they have accepted the death which all must accept … the death of all that is temporary … no matter how long that temporary may be. They live in the timeless, space-less Now Moment with no regard to the past history or the possible future, which is always colored by the past if one lives in either.
They come fresh to every moment. They are Free Truly and Completely.
This one loves All That Is knowing that every appearance is a temporary expression of the One or the God they Are and will fade from view at some point. There is no judgment of any kind because they have no vested interest in what may or may not happen as a result of anything temporary … it simply is what it is.
If it is a particularly dramatic expression that virtually everyone would agree is dark … they will still see God there in disguise, they may even live perhaps right in the core of that expression … still in total Peace … while not endorsing it.
If the opportunity to shift the darkness presents itself to them, they will act on that without judgment and move on afterward, never turning it into a (cause) … nor giving it Life through focused attention. Their Attention is on the Truth that they are God and God IS Peace and is temporarily disguised as something less … playing a part that is not real.
Their Love has no strings because they know there is nothing to judge that is not Real and that what IS Real is Perfect and beyond judgment.
First Know Thy Self … this is the Truth … and you will be Free … and your Love will be unconditional.