Wes Annac, Contributor
Waking Times
Here, I’d like to talk about the sacred Self; the soul Self; the Atman; whatever you want to call the omnipotent consciousness that exists within, which we can embrace once we know a little bit about it.
The sacred Self (or simply the ‘Self’) is an aspect of Source, and we’ll have to transcend the influence of the ego if we want to open up to it.
The ego, which is a program of the otherwise benevolent mind, will keep us from discovering and embracing the Self if we allow it, and given that we have a lot of work to do to change the defunct manner in which our planet’s run, transcending the ego is among the best things we can do for ourselves and the people around us.
The rest of the world will benefit when we can move beyond the ego and into a place of pure, blissful submergence in the Self, and as consciousness continues to rise, more people will become aware of spirit and the necessity to embrace the infinite Self over the finite, ego-driven self we’ve become accustomed to.