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Phillip J. Watt, Contributor
Waking Times
There’s so many lies, false flags, psy-ops, divide & conquer strategies, problem-reaction-solutions and an array of other deceptive tactics designed to keep us in a state of fear, focused on separate issues and fighting each other. Therefore, it’s simply sense to keep an open mind, not blindly believe what we’ve heard and remember one of our primary goals is to build the ultimate team, which is the unification of the people.
To do so, it’s important we remain vigilantly open to the truth, and each other. With so much racist rhetoric amplifying from the Dallas shootings, as well as hatred towards the Police in general, most people have been suckered into the mind-control game and are therefore focusing on the wrong target.
There are obviously rotten police officers who are on a power trip and act disgracefully towards the public. This must be exposed. There are also racist whites, blacks, browns, pinks, purples and every other color you could name, in which their behaviors should be condemned.
The various ideologies too have extremists and fundamentalists who have hatred in their hearts towards various perceived opposites. Ironically, these differences in belief are mostly superficial, because we have more primary reasons to stand together.
The Basis for Uniting
Of course we don’t need to think the same, feel the same and believe the same; the plethora of cultural and individual uniqueness offers a rich tapestry of creativity and passion to our world. Yet, we should always remember that beyond all that noise, we are all interconnected and interdependent on our Mother Earth, and in the universe.
We can view our intimate connection with each through various prisms, such as ecologically, quantum physically or even spiritually. In this light, anyone who truly believes that only one religion is the right religion must believe in a fallible god, because why would he/she/it only make the teachings accessible to a select few over the long course of humanity’s history?
That is obviously a ludicrous notion and goes completely against the spirit of all religious and spiritual teachings. The reality is there are many ways to climb the mountain; we might be taking different paths, but we’re all striding towards the same peak.
The other way we can recognize our connection with each other is that all this mess – all the socioeconomic issues, all the disintegration of community spirit, all the ignorance, all the inequality, all the suffering – it all traces back to the global banking cartel and their multinational minions. Of course the political spectrum has also been infiltrated by the oligarchical order too, so it is this trinity of tyranny that we must direct our primary and undivided attention to.
Redirecting Our Focus
This toxic system, the one where our money supply and mainstream media have been stolen to act as the primary mechanisms to hijack of the minds and behaviors of the masses, is where we need to be as one united force, together, directing our energy. To be successful in taking back the control of these public utilities, we need to continue helping those around us to understand our true agenda.
The people are simply not organised enough yet for any widespread systemic response; they’re just too ignorant of what’s going on so unfortunately they will just happily accept authoritarianism in an overt form if it ever came down to it. Moreover, most of us are just too sedated by the propaganda and mind-control control tactics to have any idea what’s happening behind the scenes, including celebrities and many so-called experts such politicians, journalists and academics.
But many are waking up to the theft of our system too. For example, there are high numbers of police, military personnel, politicians and bureaucrats who are well aware of the truth regarding the pyramid of power and its associated loss of sovereignty for the people, but they’re organizing behind the scenes and biding their time until they’re needed to rebuild the system.
Simply, there are many people within the control-matrix who know that choosing the side of the people, and not the oligarchy, is the only ethical choice. The truth has hit home to so many people who don’t speak out about it, simply because of their position.
The reality is we only see the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the fight for freedom, so we can’t be too gung-ho. It’s important that we maintain a rational and peaceful response, and then do what’s needed, when needed.
In addition, look at whats happening in France right now with the widespread protests against the establishment. We can only hope that more Americans take note. We need a US led uprising in as peaceful way as possible, otherwise the oligarchs are prepped for a forceful response.
They might do this militarily, or even economically. The private central banking scam and it’s creation of massive bubbles in debt, bonds, housing and stocks, as well as a global money bubble in general, is slowly unwinding, which they will undoubtedly use to their advantage.
We know that’s their plan anyway. The hope is that they need to incrementally destroy the economy to slowly implement their new world order, because they realize a swift transition via a complete collapse isn’t possible with the global infrastructure they’ve got in place. If so, that means we have the opportunity to create more awareness, more mobilization, and more resistance to their totalitarian goals.
And we’ll need to capitalize on it.
Ultimately though, they will fail, even if they have small successes and we have darker days that await us. That’s because the paradigm shift we are experiencing is fundamentally an energetic transformation, albeit a long one.
Engaging Locally
As we watch this giant monetary ponzi scheme continue to die, it’s always a good reminder to mention the importance of getting to know our local community, as well as involving ourselves in it. We’ve been doing it for eons. The current social irony of living on top of each other in urban legolands, whilst being so disconnected from each other, really is unprecedented in humanity’s civilized history.
We have always had community. We have always had tribe.
The original peoples of Australia, for example, which are the oldest known living culture on earth, were not only a series of civilized societies with agricultural and technological capacity (contrary to mainstream belief), they also survived for tens of thousands of years through all sorts of natural and artificial challenges. This was simply because they worked together as a team.
In this modern moment, when we are so hopelessly dependent on the system, this is no doubt a practical lesson we should be taking serious heed of. For sound measure, we should also be deeply learning from their philosophical sophistication too.
Therefore, regardless of what happens with our rotting monetary and banking system – which has been the direct and indirect cause of so much suffering all over our planet – connecting with each other to re-localize our lives, including how we access our food and other basic necessities, is always going to be a wise move in this toxin-rich era we co-created ourselves in.
Plus, we get to interact with so many great people too.
Final Thoughts
We all need to take a serious chill pill. We need to be intelligent and wise in our response. We also need to continue building on our solutions. After all, the people’s union is still in formation and therefore has much more growth to come.
Furthermore, there is simply no justification for any random violence, especially the actions of those snipers, regardless if they were false flag agents or real protesters. All the people who assist the perpetuation of the toxicity and delusion – including journalists, police, politicians and academics – are just people. There is no doubt that if they truly understood what they were actually standing for, the strong majority of them would change sides in an instant.
We already have so much division throughout our world, so this is the chief challenge we must reverse. That includes not just helping those who subscribe to the mainstream mentality to realize the truth, but also those who have unknowingly sold their souls.
The reality is the battle for freedom is an ancient one, so while we might be getting frustrated with the blatant takeover of our global community by the psychopathic shadow order, we must continue to educate, expose and unite. When all the stars align, the right movements will occur naturally, just like the Occupy Movement. And when the time comes – when Occupy 2.0 is ready to roll – we’ll know what to do.
Much love to all the victims of the senseless and unnecessary tragedies occurring right now across our world.
About the Author
Phillip J. Watt lives in Australia. His written work deals with topics from ideology to society, as well as self-development. Follow him on Facebook or visit his website.
This article (To Unite, or Not to Unite? That is the Question) was originally created and published byWaking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Phillip J. Watt and WakingTimes.com. It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.