Credit: Theloverevolution.tumblr.com
By Wes Annac, Culture of Awareness
You might’ve heard that we’re undergoing a social and spiritual revolution, but what exactly does this mean?
Some people are familiar with the idea of social revolution, which we have people like Che Guevara and Bob Marley to thank for, while others are more familiar with spiritual revolution, which some well-known people like Russell Brand have brought to the mainstream’s attention.
In my eyes, social revolution can be described as a group of people, large or small, who are fed up with the way the system functions and are ready to bring it down and replace it with something that works for the people instead of a small handful of powerful elites and the corporations they run.
Moderate social revolutionaries plan rallies, protests and other events that are intended to get the world’s attention – either on a specific issue or a group of issues that have to do with the way our society functions – and these events are successful in some cases.
Spiritual revolution is similar, and it comes from people who are not only fed up with the system, but who understand that there’s a greater reality beyond our conscious understanding that, once we become aware of, we can tap into and use to help the world.