~Galactic Love Reporter Lindsay Francke~
We in one unity consciousness send a message of Universal Cosmic Love and Healing to Gaia and all of her kingdoms, today we celebrate a new era of reunion,mastery,inclusion,liberation and inclusion.We honour all Galactic Citizens and Conscious beings,we send love to all beings on earth.
UNIVERSAL COSMIC LOVE ~ It is the greatest expression in any moment, at any now, and in any expression, no matter what the world is going “through”, passing “through”, to Love others Universally and Cosmically, is the grandest gift, dearest one, that one being, can give to any one thing.
As Universal Cosmic Love and Light permeates every atom within our Universe in the greatest and most loving concentration”, I ask, with the greatest Love in my Heart, for All to wrap all in the Golden Light of Christ Consciousness, and Universal Cosmic Love.
Dearest Light Beings, you have known I am Presence, Christ Consciousness, Angelic Presence, Masterhood, and many other “names”, but dearest ones, The Pleiadian Light Force, comes to you in this now, to bring you, once again, a “new” title of “attainment”, Universal Cosmic Love.
“in-voke” this “presence” of Universal Cosmic Love, and “watch”, dearest Ones, the Universe changes around you, through the “compassion”, for all beings in the Universe. In its connection and power it transmutes and is the driving force of all New Energies being expressed in the Universe.
And so it is...