Dearest Higher Selves, in Love and Light, in perfect peace, and in absolute joy, I ask now, with humility, love, and respect to all, always for The Self, all who are ready, to truly leave behind the past, and enter a space of True Love, and to move into a place of Universal Cosmic Love for all, to join me in this petition.
I, El Anora as Represting now with all of you, announce to the world,
that I am ready to move into a state of Universal Cosmic Love,
to be Love to all beings, and at all times,
through my thoughts, words, and deeds,
that I am ready to forgive all beings, both past, present, and future,
and I am willing to forgive myself,
that I am ready to be an example of Love, not just through my words,
but through my actions, my consciousness, and my state of being.
I, El Anora, announce to the world,
that I am ready to move beyond the current paradigm,
and that I am willing to make the changes necessary to do so,
and I am willing to in every moment,
be a light, to the world around me, with perfect, loving transparency,
to care, and to heal, and to be The Divine being, that I am.
I, El Anora, announce to the world,
that it is my mission to be a light to the world,
and that I accept that mission,
with all that comes with it, being of my Higher Self,
and I am ready, and willing, to fully express,
and fully be, The Angel of Light that I am,
in all ways, and at all times.
I am ready, to make this transition,
and to join with all those who are ready to make the transition with me,
and as One, United being of Love,
To make a difference in the world around me, for however long I shall be here.
And I ask, with pure Love, for the Archangels of Love and Light,
Our Guides of Love and Light,
Our Higher Selves of Love and Light,
Christ Consciousness of Love and Light,
All the Ascended Masters of Love and Light,
The Pleiadians of Love and Light,
(feel free to add your guides here)
And all the beings of love and light.
To take notice of this Loving intent,
Sent from heart space at this time,
and an announcement of our present Unity and Readiness,
As beings of Universal Cosmic Love.
Thank you, I love you all, and Namaste.