Into the unknown

GemConscious's picture


Into the unknown

As we walk into 12.21.12, are we awake? 

Do we know if we aren’t, if we’re not?

Does it matter?

If we meditate and pray now are we grounding the Light/Love?

What of all the rest?

Are they going to just ascend tomorrow/today all together?

The Law of Attraction.  Are we bringing to ourselves a New Earth Now?

What will happen? 

Will a Light switch on and the whole world goes … Ahaaaaaaaa?

Are you feeeeling different right now?

Are you Ready For Change?

If we think, ah nothing happened do we go on as we have been? Or

Do we take charge of our thoughts, think and create by conscious thought/intention the new world we envision?

Do we charge into tonight/Now feeling… Leave No One Behind !!!! We Love All!!!

What are the fears that dance around your minds now?  Let them go…

Do you feel, sense, a pull, a push, a calling, a voice, a knowing about

The Unknown…It’s Exciting.