Unprecedented Wealth Opportunities Require Thinking Outside the Box
Love Reporter Jelaila's Weekly Messages January 30, 2012
Unprecedented Wealth Opportunities Require Thinking Outside the Box
Been thinking about the response I received from the Perspective on 2012 message sent a couple of weeks ago. It was overwhelming! You'll recall that i mentioned unprecedented wealth opportunities as part of the 2012 projections. I hesitated even mentioning them because I felt uncomfortable yet I knew I couldn't give a good perspective without sharing such a significant piece. After all, a global economic shift is a big deal!
For those of you who emailed me, I offer my deepest apologies for not replying. I just didn't know what to do. But now, after receiving an answer from my guides (just this morning), I'm ready to reveal what I know. Before, I reveal this info (some of you may already know it), keep two things in mind:
1. You are fully and totally responsible for any actions you take with regards to this information.
1. You are fully and totally responsible for any actions you take with regards to this information.
2. I gain nothing from this but the knowing that I fulfilled my guides request to share the info. I receive no monetary compensation of any kind.
Okay, now that that is out of the way, here's the info.
Global Weath Transfer
We are about the witness the greatest transfer of wealth in history. This is occurring as a result of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) changing the rules for determining a nation's currency. We are moving from fiat to asset based currencies. This means that a nation's currency will be based on its resourses (oil, gas, etc). Right now, 195 countries are revaluing their currencies.
Now, two of those countries (Iraq and Vietnam) will see significant increases in the value of their currencies with Iraq being the most
greatest. In fact, Iraq's currency will see the biggest increase. Anyone who has purchased dinar (around 10 cents on the dollar) is about to make a lot of money. In fact, we are about to see many new millionares.
You can learn more about Iraqi dinar but doing a google search. If you choose to purchase, use reputable brokers. Here are a couple that I have used.
On a related note, once this economic shift occurs and you have a lot of money, you will need to learn how to manage it and make it grow. I am getting involved with weath managment groups that I feel have a higher level of consciousness. The two I am going with are:
The Elevation Group - run by Mike Dillard (Mike is featured on David Icke's site and also has a free webinar that explains this shift very well. I highly encourage you to watch it.)
Global Information Network - run by Kevin Trudeau, a defecting member of the Global Elite who along with many others are now sharing their knowledge.
It is my understanding that this global shift will happen this year. Those who have properly positiioned themselves financially will see abundance like never before. But to achieve this requires that we move beyond our 3D money beliefs and step up and out of the box. For many of who, this is a challenge because we tend to believe what the media, banks or our financial advisors tell us. Isn't it interesting how we are more able to step out of the box when it comes to religion or say, reincartion and struggle when it come to money?

When opportunities such as these are presented to you, instead of rejecting them outright, try remaining open-minded and check them out. These opportunities will not be revealed through the media. Moreover, if you ask the normal sources, i.e., banks and your average financial advisor, you can expect them to know nothing or to parrot the disinformation put out by the Global Elite; they are scams. Remember, wealth=power and the old guard is not ready to share.
So, there you have it. It is my greatest hope that you will be one of a number of lightworkers who benefits from these unprecedented wealth opportunties and the greatest transfer of wealth in history.
in service,
Jelaila Starr
email: jelaila@kc.surewest.net
email: jelaila@kc.surewest.net

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