Update Gaia Portal~ Portals of Higher Consciousness Opened Fully…

Lia's picture

The necessary grid structures are aligned for supporting the energy frameworks of Higher Consciousness portals. This may seem somewhat esoteric to many, however at this stage the sequence of openings is designed with precision and in connection with Higher Consciousness, namely Higher Dimensional, constructs, with intention of awakening for all Hue-mans.


The full opening of all Higher Consciousness intent-ed portals is key to the Ascension of Gaia as a whole. She has awaited this moment since the fall of humanity from Higher Consciousness awareness. Light from within Gaia is ascending and will reach maximum levels at the 12-12-12 gateway, and subsequently maintained throughout the Ascension process.


Those feeling the Ascension symptoms of light-headedness, fuzzy vision, blurred vision, tingly skin and/or extremities, gazing into space, are aligned with these Higher Consciousness portals’ energy. There is nothing ab-normal about this, for those whose intent is Ascension with Gaia. This has been anticipated by Higher Guides, who may be called upon for assistance at any moment needed.


As required, sleep or naps may ameliorate such symptoms, and it is recommended to rest as much as needed to allow the continuous Higher Energies to in-stream through all multi-D bodies.


