I should probably explain some of what's been going on behind the scenes here. A couple weeks ago our site came under heavy attack, which ended up bringing down the site for the better part of a day. Not sure why we got attacked, it could have been malicious, it could have been spammers, I don't know exactly, though I did notice a large number of connections to our site coming from the Ukraine. It's interesting that the Ukraine is where a whole bunch of world conflict and drama is being played out, and that's also where the problems for our site seem to be coming from. Even right now our site is being scanned by computers with Ukrainian IPs.
We switched hosting services, which helped to clear up some of the problems and keep our site more stable. We made a number of changes behind the scenes to help make the site faster, and we're still working on that as well as finishing up the transfer between server hosts. During all of this, Hotmail started blocking our newsletter entirely, and Gmail now sometimes flags them as spam. We're working on getting all that cleared up still.
We've also been putting many many hours into our new site, Awakening Daily. Essentially, that site is an aggregate of all stories from the sites we used to check daily for articles to post up on the Galactic Free Press. It's functional at the moment, though I'm still working on the back-end to clear up some bugs. We have plans to expand that site, and offer things like a user-customizable home page where you can select which sources you'd like to see articles from. We'd also like to offer ways for our members to add their own articles, though it may be a while before that's ready.
We're also working on adding ads to our sites, and it may be a challenge to find ones that match the intention of our sites. There's plans to integrate Awakening Daily with the GFP, I'll probably have the "Latest News" sidebar feature stories from Awakening Daily. There's also plans to add a daily newsletter to Awakening Daily, and offer more ways to share the articles with others. Anyway, that's what we're working on with our sites, among other things, and why our updates have slowed down a bit lately. There's still quite a bit of work to do, and I'm not sure how long it will take to all finish. Since the donations have slowed down, we're working on other things as well to make sure we can pay for rent and our basic needs. Anyway, that's what we're up to, and hopefully this answers questions people may have had. Blessings Everyone!
Some support.
Keep up the good work seems a cliche, but anyway, you are doing a good job, the opposition proves it.
Enjoy reading some of your articles, they are well written and clear. Thank you.
More Support
Each of us must do what we are called upon to do. The gfp will always have a place in the history of the movement - let me know if you would like to reprint any of my blogs. I should have a book ready for publication by the end of the summer. Be good and give many hugs to Comet and Willow (and Isis and whoever else is there). I'll let you know when i am in the area. ty for sharing.
Much love, lemme
Know, Weigh : visit lemme and doc http://minds.com/themaddoctorthyme
I'm trying to catch up with some of your articles while I have some time. I just wanted to say, I'm loving your plans for the site :)
Good Luck
Just wanted to send you the best of Intentions and High Frequencies for all the hard work you are doing.
Best of luck....... <3
Blessings from All Realms of Creation
Essence Ka tha'ras
i like to give you my Acknowledgement and Blessings,,,thank you from my Heart
Love and Light
Thanks everyone for all the
Thanks everyone for all the support!