Update: ~Jean shares a letter to a friend from Occupy Chicago ~ and a very deep thank-you to Gillian!. . .

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Update: ~Jean shares a letter to a friend from Occupy Chicago – and a very deep thank-you to Gillian!. . .





Hi, Eddie,


It’s three in the morning, and I’ve awakened and decided to check email. I’m so delighted that you will be able to get to the ‘pilgrimage of the skulls!’ I hope you’ll write something for me – and send some sort of pictures, if you are able. I doubt very much that I will get there, because there is nothing near where I’m living. The ride would take me far too long I think, although I’ll look more closely to see if there is a possibility. 

I don’t know if you realize that I’m now studying with Drunvalo and will be home late Saturday evening. If you like, here is my sense of things: the 23rd is sort-of drop dead day for the euro – and their money has been cut off, so it likely will all be over, I think, by the time the crystal skulls start their journey. Ron Laplace, with whom a small group of us travelled last week, works closely with Drunvalo, and he showed us a picture of the final, 13th skull that was discovered in Tibet. It was the final one that had to come to light, because it is the lynch pin to the whole story they all contain. I think it holds the information about how we will go inter-dimensional.

In case you don’t understand about the crystal skulls, people were chosen to sacrifice their lives – 13,000 years ago – and these people studied very deeply various aspects of their lives and history. Their spirits, with the information intact, then took up residence in the skulls to wait for this time. How was this done? I don’t know exactly, but I believe it had a lot to do with intention, which is how we are beginning to do things now. What I do know is that crystal can be programmed to hold information. That is why, for instance, they are used in radios. Just as our DNA is opening up, our bodies are also changing to crystal, particularly those of us who are farther advanced along our Ascension path. It is not possible to live in the higher dimensions with a carbon body, which is too dense. I believe a crystal-based body also will help us to be more telepathic.

What is the timeline for all this to happen? Well, from my own point of view, I believe the financial system will collapse when the IMF and EU cannot resolve the problems of the euro—which is simply not possible to do, and that will be somewhere around the 23rd and after. The Mayan calendar actually ends on October 28, but this does not mean the shift will take place. What it means is that our lives will change forever in a positive direction and that we will begin to prepare in earnest for the shift. The shift will take place when a sufficient number of us reach critical mass and come together to finally lift the earth into her new dimensional home. 

There are specific skills we must learn in order to live in the higher dimensions, and that is what I have studied before and am studying now with Drunvalo. I also will study more deeply when I go to Mexico at the end of January in the hopes of being certified to teach for Drunvalo. These skills will enable us to live on a much higher plane of consciousness.

Many people are skeptical about all this, but from my own personal experience, I know these skills are necessary. We have reached a level of consciousness where it is easier to learn them than it was before. What this actually means is that Drunvalo doesn’t have to address our left brain, where we ‘think,’ with huge numbers of facts in his efforts to help us understand this information with our our right brain, where we feel and intuit. In our Western culture, we tend to live mostly from our left brain, but now our right brains are beginning to work again so that our brain is becoming more balanced. In Unity consciousness we will live from our heart with which our entire, balanced brain will be invited to cooperate.

With our rising level of consciousness it is now so much easier for Drunvalo to teach those of us who want to make this shift to establish a permanent merkaba, learn to live in our hearts, and if we desire, move into the tiny slace in our hearts which is the place where all creation takes place. In order to create we must also learn to activate our third eye. Those people who are able to ‘create’ in this higher dimensional way are the ones who finally will move us upward into the higher dimensions.

I could write a book on all this, but for now this will have to be it. If you are interested in learning more, there are three books I would suggest that you read, and to make your life easier I suggest read them in a specific order. (I’ve copied this info from Amazon, but obviously you can get them elsewhere.) First, I would read Bob Frissell’s book: 

Nothing in This Book Is True, But It’s Exactly How Things Are by Bob Frissell (Nov 18, 2002)

Or -

Nothing in This Book Is True, But It’s Exactly How Things Are, 15th Anniversary Edition by Bob Frissell (Sep 29, 2009)

Then, I would read Drunvalo’s Flower of Life book in two volumes. (I’ve also included The Serpent of Light, which is an explanation of how the Christ Consciousness grid was completed): 

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life: Volume 1 (Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life) by Drunvalo Melchizedek (Apr 1, 1999)

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life: Volume 2 by Drunvalo Melchizedek (May 1, 2000)

Serpent of Light: Beyond 2012 – The Movement of the Earth’s Kundalini and the Rise of the Female Light, 1949 to 2013 by Drunvalo Melchizedek (Jan 1, 2008)

 I hope this gives you a beginning idea of what will be necessary for each of us to learn if we desire to ascend. I recommend them in this order, because Bob’s book gives the information in a very clear, simple form. You will get the total picture easily from it. (By the way, Bob has worked with Drunvalo.) Then, when you sit down to read the Flower of Life books, which go into very great detail, you will have already established a mental framework where you can hang all this huge quantity of information. I read them in the opposite way, and it was difficult for me. the information in these volumes is so astonishing. Im order to integrate it, I felt the need to read them again!

The other very, very important aspect of this picture, besides learning these skills, is our own deep inner work, often called emotional clearing. To some degree, we have all been wounded emotionally and lived in fear – often unconsciously, and we must heal these aspects of our lives for the simple reason that they are of a lower vibration and cannot survive on the higher planes. Learning all the necessary skills alone will not enable us to transition with the new earth – an earth on which there will be no more physical death!

Permit me to say that this kind of inner work that we must do is another reason I believe in NESARA. Our spiritual growth must come front and center for the next year; we simply do not need to worry about such basics as putting food on our tables.

Now, permit me to say publicly my own personal thank-you to Gillian, who has done a remarkable job for me while I have been gone. In short order, she learned remarkably well how to run my blog and has kept it going not only for me, but for all of you. She has provided continuity above and beyond what I ever expected. She surely was sent from God. Until last evening, I only had the possibility to check my blog on-the-run. What I found last night when I sat down to have a deeper look was far beyond anything I ever expected. I appreciate her helpful  and careful efforts for me and for us all more than I can ever say, so Gillian, please accept my deepest thanks.

Now, I’ll hope to be back up and running by late next Sunday, and because my days here are so filled, I’ll likely not be writing more before then.

Blessings to everyone – and hugs, too,




