December 13, 2011
Beloved Ones,
This is the season to feel joy, peace and goodwill within your hearts. It is a time to let go of all that still troubles you and just be in the moment. Enjoy these happy moments of shopping, wrapping presents and decorating the tree and the house. Try to imagine your World and everyone in it feeling these wonderful feelings of joy and anticipation all of the time, with every person giving of themselves from their heart, simply for the pleasure of seeing their loved ones faces light up with happiness. This is the future and the way that it can be, if you all choose to make it so.
Make Love your top priority and take time each day to center that feeling within your hearts. Love is a powerful energy which encompasses many qualities from the Divine that gives hope and faith to all to keep on keeping on in your daily lives. Many times it is the human ego that feels it must be acknowledged and so, many precious moments of the sharing of Love slip away, moments that could have created greater connection and feelings of harmony within all interpersonal connections. Love is so powerful that it must be expressed in order to do its work, it cannot be kept hidden inside.
As the combined energies increase towards the ending of this current year, many shifts will occur within each heart. Even those who have not Awakened will feel the need to express the Love that is bubbling and sparkling within them. This Love is constant and abiding but also effervescent in its ability to become contagious as it spreads from one Being to another. When combined with the feeling of joy, there is nothing that can withstand its power to change any situation into its highest outcome. One must let go of the incessant needs of the ego in order to experience this effervescent quality.
As always, there needs to be the motivation and intent within the Human heart that this is what is desired and every effort and focus must be made to ensure its fruition. It does not take much to express Love from within but it is surprising to us, that within some individuals, reaching out to others and letting them know the Love that they feel seems so difficult to do. This stems from the conditionings of family dynamics and the constraints that society has placed on people of what is considered the correct way to comport Oneself.
Many times, there is one individual in a family unit that has no constraints or obstacles to expressing their joy as it blossoms from within them and this should be encouraged to grow and flourish. If more people concentrated on the expressions of their feelings of Love, appreciation and gratitude at the moment they felt these emotions, many difficulties between individuals would disappear, never to resurface. Greater joy, peace, harmony and accord would be the normal way of Being as a manifestation of their highest aspects of themselves.
You, Beloved Ones, have been and are, those who started out in life expressing your loving emotions to all around you and so many, many times, were admonished for your exuberant behavior as being unacceptable, so you learned to conform and damp down your high spirits that kept you in the flow of the Creator’s Love. It is time to reconnect with that part of you if you have not done so yet and feel into it all the magic and wonder and awe of the magnificence of life being lived in a physical body in its daily expression.
As always, we Love and are ever with you and you never walk alone.
I AM Melchizedek
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of Grace.
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