Urgent!! Speak Up For Free Speech On The Internet! Keep The Net Free!

Ra-Raela's picture

The "Dark Hats" have figured out that people freely communicating with each other, is crimping their style. So they are getting together to put a monkey wrench into that vehicle, namely the internet. It's up to us to let them know, that that isn't going to fly!

Please read this communication and sign the petition! Let them know, what you think of their little scheme! What they are scheming would affect all of us. Even the Galactic Free Press could come under scrutiny. No one would be exempt!

RootsAction Team info@rootsaction.org via mail.salsalabs.net 
9:19 AM (10 hours ago)


to me
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Reason #87 to stop the TPP: It would censor the internet.

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For the first time, actual presidents and prime ministers of 12 powerful countries are meeting behind closed doors to seal an extreme internet censorship plan called the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).

We know from leaked drafts that the TPP will make the internet more expensive, less accessible, and subject to censorship. Experts say, "kids could be sent to jail for downloading" and whole families could be kicked off the internet.

Will political leaders feel more pressure from industry lobbyists or from us? Join with RootsAction and OpenMedia in sending decision-makers a powerful message now before it's too late.

Here are our reasonable requests of elected officials:

  • Please say no to internet censorship.
  • Protect the right of everyone to access the internet in their daily lives.
  • Do not force internet service providers (ISPs) to act as "internet police," monitoring our use, censoring content, and removing whole websites.
  • Preserve the democratic rights of sovereign countries to draft their own internet laws.

Will you join with us now in sending this crucial message?

Thus far, our movement has stopped TPP negotiators from finalizing the agreement but now powerful interests are pressuring politicians to ram through their internet censorship plan.  

Thousands of people and over 30 major organizations from across the Trans-Pacific region, including RootsAction and OpenMedia, are working together to keep the internet open. High ranking politicians from several countries are beginning to ask questions.

We know that when citizens speak out, decision makers take notice. Click here now to send a powerful message to the 12 political leaders who are about to make a decision that will affect generations.

Together, we won’t let them take away our digital rights.

Please forward this email widely to like-minded friends.

-- The RootsAction.org team

P.S. RootsAction is an independent online force endorsed by Jim Hightower, Barbara Ehrenreich, Cornel West, Daniel Ellsberg, Glenn Greenwald, Naomi Klein, Bill Fletcher Jr., Laura Flanders, former U.S. Senator James Abourezk, Coleen Rowley, Frances Fox Piven, and many others.


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