USAF Colonel Admits Debunking UFO Sightings (Video)

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by Tom Rose
July 20, 2012 09:20 PM EDT

A retired USAF intelligence officer admits using any means at his disposal to debunk all UFO sightings reported during his long career, even unexplained sightings.

The officer, Lt. Colonel Dick French, says he is stepping forward now because he's no longer afraid of negative repercussions and because he believes the story will come out anyway.

According to French, the rules against advocating for the possibility of extraterrestrial visits have lessened and too many people now believe in the possibility that life exists elsewhere in the universe and that visitors may have already appeared over the skies of Earth.

For true UFO believers, this doesn't come as a surprise. For decades many supporters of the theory have faced official scorn and pilots in particular have learned to keep their mouths shut if they wanted to continue in their careers.

The interview is very illuminating and bears some serious attention. Are there more government insiders willing to step forward and reveal what they know?

Only time will tell.

Here's the video:

What do you think?
