Valerie Donner – The Ground Crew – Going For Gold – And A Message From Sanat Kumara

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Valerie Donner – The Ground Crew – Going For Gold – And A Message From Sanat Kumara – 8 August 2012

Posted on August 8, 2012 by lucas2012infos 

Dear Ground Crew:

We are going for the gold! Yes, we are the spiritual athletes, whether we realize it or not. We have been advancing towards our ascension target. Now we are closer than ever.

In recent sessions with clients I am seeing that some people need to go more for the gold. By this I mean-the Golden Light of the Christed energy and it is used for spiritual protection. When you surround yourself in the Golden Light of the Christ and put it before you the protection is there. You can also send this Light to loved ones or in places around the planet where healing and protection are needed. Follow your heart with this. It is here for us to use.

Many are having intense challenges right now. As we accelerate towards the end of the year these will continue until we work through them. That is the purpose of our heightened emotions. We need to release fear and old issues.

A Message from Sanat Kumara, our planetary Logos. Sanat is responsible for the Earth’s ascension and Venus’.

Greetings, I am Sanat Kumara.

Let your new roles unfold as you step forward into the higher dimensions. Get about your true work. You are on the planet to do God’s business. You volunteered to command the space shift on the Earth. The ride is closing in on you and is getting closer. Some are tormented by the new energies and others are delighted. The Earth is unstable but is holding steady. The more grounded and steady that you are the more you assist the Earth. Do not let the agonies of the past or the remembrances of defeat hold you back from fulfilling your mission. There is a Light at the end of the tunnel.

You will see it and feel it clearly as it gets closer with each passing day until December 21, 2012. Move forward and do not let anything hold back your progress. We count on you to meet your promises. In your heart you know what these promises entail. Follow your heart.

Everyone has obligations in life. This process of ascension highlights these obligations whether they are to yourselves or to the planet. If you feel like you are stuck it is time to get some assistance. There are many ways to do this: You can ask us in meditation for help from the Light Realms; get human assistance if you cannot do it yourself; find a book that answers your heart’s questions; or simply surrender and let the blockages go. It is up to you.

Think about how dedicated and committed your athletes are in their various Olympic sports events. You are just as dedicated and committed in your spiritual workouts. The contest you are in is far more complex than running a marathon. It is the future of the Earth and all of creation. This is how much we are relying on you to perform.

We have the utmost confidence in your abilities and so does our Creator. Move forward with the utmost speed. Life is going to change in the blink of an eye before you know it. I am Sanat Kumara watching you and loving you in this process.  newsletter 7 August 2012


