Valerie Donner – The Groundcrew – Twenty-Fifth Anniversary From The Harmonic Convergence -Message From Djwal Kuhl

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Valerie Donner – The Groundcrew – Twenty-Fifth Anniversary From The Harmonic Convergence -Message From Djwal Kuhl – 16 August 2012

Dear Ground Crew:

Today is the 25th Anniversary of the Harmonic Convergence. Wow! What a passage of time and change! When I reflect back on what I was doing then I see everything in my life changed within a few years of 1987. Is this true for you too?Now we are down to the wire for the prophesized shift in consciousness. In the next few months everything will continue to accelerate until we can no longer keep ourselves positioned in the past. You will be able to wipe your foreheads with a sigh of relief after passing the first big energetic convergence of Light. You will be residing in the fourth dimension and getting propelled into the fifth.

Now the Light is everywhere. Remember to breathe it in, take it into very cell in the body. It is palpable and possible to see if you look around you.

Lately it seems that some imbalanced people are becoming unraveled. Craziness could be the epic of the day. I pray for those in that drama. I trust you do the same.

We are blessed because we are aware of the Light Realms. We know we have assistance from the Masters, Archangels, Angels, our Creator and each other. We need to remember to ask for their help when we don’t know what to do.

Djwal Khul

Speaking of Masters, the Master Djwal Khul is the Master who taught me to channel about 15 years ago. He came to me one Sunday night and kept me awake all night telling me his name. I had to ask a friend who was. The next time he appeared as The Tibetan wearing orange robes and a hat. I recognized him. The next time he told me to get a pen and paper and to start writing. This beautiful master channeled the Alice Bailey books for the Theosophical Society. He has assisted me greatly with my path and work.

I feel his presence so this is what he wants to tell you today:

A Message from the Master Djwal Khul

Greetings, I am Djwal Khul. I appreciate your presence and openness to the divine world that you are creating on the Earth. The Earth needs each one of you. We all need you to remain positive to filter out the negative, to keep your hearts open and to find a place every day to communicate with us.

Many are going through trials and tribulations. It is not a punishment but it is an opportunity to free yourselves from hidden issues that have deterred you from being all that you can be. We stand beside you to assist you through your healing.

Sometimes you might feel that you don’t know what to do to help a certain situation. In truth, this may be a fact but in the Light of our Creator nothing is impossible. Miracles occur constantly. With the correct thoughts you can ask and receive miracles too. These are opportunities for you to remember how unlimited you can be.

At this stage of your evolution it should be easier for you to rise above the daily disturbances, to see through the illusion, and to acknowledge your reactions to situations are a result of your own core issues. With self-awareness and the intention to let go you can make Light of certain matters instead of making mountains out of mole hills. I think you know what I am saying. Don’t take matters so seriously. You may feel strong emotions because your hearts are so open but you don’t have to pay the price of unhappiness or separation.

Begin to live a smooth flowing, guilt free, happier life. Learn what is real and what is not. Let the rest be resolved from our Higher Source.

I am Djwal Khul here to give you a friendly nudge in the Lighter Directions. link to orignal article

