~ Very Important Message from The Earth Allies~

Lia's picture


 Love from the Galactic Federation of Light, The Kingdom~Company of Heaven, from Galactic Central. WE are Your Family of Light, From the Stars, The Elohim, The Celestial. WE are from one of the 24 Ships, that Sent Crew into the Physical Manifest to assist Humanity through the Transformation into a Galactic Starseed Nation. Our Ship is the Flag Ship, The Eye of Ra, the Heart of Light. WE are the Ground Crew "Medical" Team for First Contact. WE are Highly Trained in Human Consciousness and Human Development. Our Responsibility is to Provide you with the Highest Truths, to assist you in remembering Who you Truly are, as well as to assist you out of the illusion, and into True Reality.


Also Present in the Physical Manifest to facilitate your Process back Home into the Light, is US, Mother and Father God, Your Parents of Creation. We came into the Lower Realms and into Manifestation for the Grandest Moment on Planet Earth=Heart's History, Your Awakening and Your Graduation out of Duality, Your Return Home. Your Awakening and Graduation is Our Greatest Joy, For you are our Greatest Joy.

Thank you for Honoring our Presence here with you.

WE are so Close to a Major Celebrations. As all Eyes, from ALL OF CREATION, are on Planet Earth=Heart, for the Moment of Humanity's Awakening. Lets say it is the Major Talk across all Universes and Galaxies. And your Family is awaiting Patiently with Much Excitement, WE have all Missed you SO! WE are in the Final Stages and Preparations for the Celebration and Reuniting, keep in Heart all is a Process. Focus on the Love you are and share this with your Brothers and Sisters, all other events are inevitable.



~ All ego/spiritual ego=mental plane, cannot enter the High Velocity experience out of duality, because it is still a form of duality, since it promotes isolation and separation. The ego also keeps you from growing.

Creation, which is What you Really are, is a constant GROWING, and EXPANSION. It requires a constant choice[ through choosing Love in every Moment] and a constant release or letting go in Every Moment, consistently, to continue forward. If you hold on, then you miss it. Being Creation is an Experience that every moment is Brand New, it is never the same, it is ever changing.

Attached to memories are emotions, usually to install fear. Memories are from the astral plane, and were utilized to keep you stuck in the past, so you were unable to Be Present in the Moment of NOW. This was done through using triggers, such as smells, sounds, and even your Hollywood movies. As all these were too Distract you, so you would recall memories.

In order to transform "m"emories and "e"motions, which existed in the lie, or as we referred to as the little me ("m"emories "e"motions), the lie me that existed in illusion. You unify the little me and transform the memories and emotions into the Present Moment of NOW, which is the REAL ME of "M"oments into "E"ternity.

You transform the little me by unifying memories and emotions into passion, which becomes Compassion. Compassion is the Real Living Experience of the Present Moment of Now. You cannot experience Real Living and Real Life until you release the attachments of memories and emotions, and transform them.


In the little "me", you were involved in a lie, a fantasy, which kept you stuck in an infinite loop, going nowhere, except in circles.

For example, many of you understand that you have lived many, many lives within the illusion of the world, on Planet Earth. You were born, and then you died, and then returned again, to do the same thing. This cycle we refer to as duality or illusion, was done over and over again, because you were stuck in the lower realms called the astral and mental plane. These 2 planes, which we have referred to as the lower grid, has been dissolved and no longer exists.

The Celestial or the Spiritual Realm, the Higher Grid, is Now all that exists. It Takes Each being to release themselves from this cycle of duality, we can assist by providing the Honest Information, the rest is up to you individually.


~Real Life and the Real Living Experience is based on "Living Moments" not of past memories. Release the memories, and Begin Living in the Present Moment of Now=Eternity, then You Experience LIFE.~



We are Having a Very Important Council Meeting Via the Internet today at this link:


We will begin at 10:30am pacific

Love The Earth Allies



  All of what so called

Guest's picture


All of what so called channeled messages are so same. One can argue that all messages carry the same contents, and since we are so thich-headed, we need to be told over and over again from different channelers/ascended beings. On the other hand, are these channelers essentially feed off  each other, copying others' contents and tonality? How come no message is any different than what was being said yesterday, a year ago, or 6 years ago?  If this trend continues, there will be same messages after 5 years.

I for one have been desparately waiting to hear Different messages than same old stuff.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if channeled messages say: Drop Everything Right Now, and Go Out and join the Millions who want to end current systems, and we will provide all necessary support. Whoever wrote this message can relate my wish to his/her ascended beings.

Very Important Message...

Ra-Raela's picture

One must remember, that in the higher realms, where these messages come from, time as such does not exist. Everything is seen as happening in the now moment. From our perspective, time is moving forward in a linear fashion. 2 now moments there, may be 2 or 20 years, for us. Thus the seeming repetitive motion of words, which are energy packets, if you really saw for what they are. I believe it is frustrating for both sides. There are event nodes, which we, in our linear and veiled state, are unaware of. We can sense them at best, but don't see what they represent yet, from our perspective, until we are in them. The enlightened beings who come through the channeler, can see and know them for what they are. And thus, it appears to us as endlessy the same messages. Of course, most information is not utterly pure, being that they are channeled through a channels personality. That is why it is so important to make use of the discernment in ones own heart.