~ Very Important Message from Humanity's Earth Allies~ Please Share~

Lia's picture






And so it is. Our BIGGEST Wish is Your FREEDOM. Once you remember Your Reality, You go back to What You Really ARE.

And what You Really Are is Joy, and Love.

Made of the most wonderful Light, so bright that if you’d allow yourself to see it when you look at yourself, you might as well get scared at first, as there’s no such bright Light here on Earth. Thus, there are no mistakes... YOU ARE THAT VERY LIGHT.

It’s in your skin, in you atoms, in your Soul, in your breath, in your Essence of LOVE. The only thing that does not allow yourself to See the Light you are are your beliefs. They built a dark veil in front of what you are, and these same beliefs grew so strong you now think you are these same beliefs. Thus it seems so difficult to let them go... as it seems you need to let go what you are. That is not the case however. It’s not yourself you need to get rid of, but only what you have learned to believe you are. All these labels you had put on yourself, and that you yourself put on you.

So now you think that if you let them go you’ll loose all you are, be it a mother, a manager, a painter, a lawyer, even a  lightworker... it does not matter the label you use to define yourself... it is only a label. For you are much more than this. So much more you can only live it, as to define it, words are not enough.




Now, why is Our Biggest Dream your Freedom?

Because you called us.

You asked for help, help to stop the suffering and slavery present on the Planet. And so we came. Many have come before, to put some seeds into the Consciousness. Then others came again, to put some more seeds and show you that there is a different path that does not lead to suffering but to Freedom and Love.

And we had to come again, cause our messages were used to deceive instead to Free.

We heard you crying and had to make a decision: end Humanity’s experience or help Humanity raise from it’s own mind and illusionary slavery and help them find its own Freedom and Truth. And as it always happens in Heaven, as long as a single Light is shining, all are willing to Help and blow on that Light so that it can become Brighter and Brighter, until it’s able to Shine alone. So we jumped, and with us, millions came. So many volunteered to be of help. But in order to really change this density we had to experience all humanity was experiencing. This way, every one of us could transform our own experience on behalf of the Collective Consciousness. And each awakening opened a Door for thousands of others to come through. We lived and learned what it means to let go all what this illusion had put (or better tried to put) on us. We walked the path for All.


How many trees do you think hate each other in the same forest? J. Andrews


So if you’re one of those that asked to be here now and to help in this process, do not be surprised if your life experiences seem to be so chaotic, this was your and our choice to help as many beings as possible by our own experience.

We LET GO so that others could LET GO.

We Saw, so that others could See.

We walked, so that others could Walk.


Earth’s Golden Age is already here, thus so many are not able to see it for they can only see through the eyes of fear that come from illusion, as they are not sure so far if letting go might be a good think to do.

So many times have you all been deceived... we know. Thus, you’re still here. You’re still looking for the Light, for the Truth... You still FEEL that there’s much, much more to it than what you experience right now.

And so it is.

That is WHY you’re not able to completely give up trying... it’s you True Self that’s not allowing you to stop a single step before you reach your goal, which is Home.


Another reason why so many still do not want to be aware of our presence here, and by that I mean in our Physical Incarnated Presence on Planet Earth is, again, fear. You’re afraid we came to judge, or punish... for all that happened here is indeed a shared responsibility... but noone is here to judge. We’re here to tell you that all that happened is not Real, and that indeed you can free yourself in a matter of a Heart Beat! And should you ever meet anyone that says the opposite, be aware.

God=Love cannot Judge.

God does tell the Truth though, and if you have to be told the Truth in front of your illusion, we will. How could we be of any help if we went on liying to you.

As we See how Bright your Light is in Reality, and if you run away from it in any way... we’ll bring you back to it.

For you asked to come back Home=Love.

So how could we help anyone if not by being your own mirror, by showing you how deep you might be stuck into the illusionary ego mind... should we tell you “oh yes, you’re right, go on”? when we see that you’re jumping off the wrong cliff? No. We’ll tell you: “the way you’re going is bringing you away from Home=Love”. This is our Mission.


Another reason why fear comes to the surface when you run into us is that accepting that your Ascended Masters do walk among you, and even more UN-believeble your own Mother and Father God walk actually among you... is that is’t too good to be true! It would be far too easy for you to be able to talk to us directly istead of reading about us on internet or in a book...

Like a dream come true right?

Thus, did you not all ask for this in your prayers?

Did you not ask for a Miracle?

Did you not ask Angels and Masters AND God to send Help?

Well, we hear you.


And we did answer.

And we do help you in any way possible, thus, you still have to accept it. And walk your path as noone can walk it on your behalf, we came to show you your freedom, not to take it away from you again as did those that kept you deep asleep.

You are the ones that have to awaken to the Divine Being that you ARE!

You still must take charge of yourself. Even if we take your hands while you do so.



Now is the time all will change. And we came not to destroy but to elevate the Planet. Yes, it’s the vibrations of all who came and all who are here now that enable so many to make their awakening much easier that in the past.

WE’re here to hold the light for as long as you’ll be able to shine completely on your own.


Thus, we did not only came for Humanity but for Mother Earth=Heart as well, for She’s the one that truly suffered the most in all this. She kept you in Her Heart for so long... millennia of low and dark vibrations, and when She was supposed to start going Home Her body was so damaged... so little Love she received... and still kept you in Her Heart.

And now, some still would like more time... months, years... why? Are 13'000 years of darkness not enough? You called on US, you called for Change, thus now many are trying to postpone the dates... Is Freedom so scary? Is Joy, pure and constant JOY... not enough?

Yes, Justice will come back, but it’s not the Justice you’re used to. It’s Divine Justice, and Divine Justice is Perfect Balance so that Love can simply Be Everywhere Present.



We do understand how the brain works, and that Humanity’s brain has gone through a massive control and manipulation, but We’re offering you only YOUR DIVINE FREEDOM and JOY.

And We do this in the most Loving Service as We do LOVE YOU UNCONDITIONALLY. For We See You for the Light You Truly Are.


And if we sometimes have to break the glass of water you’re drowning in to show you that not only can you breath once it’s broken but that you also have a solid ground on where to safely and freely walk on... we will brake your glass! For that glass is your mind program. It’s your un-balance.




Thus, we will not force you. If you believe you’re among those that are not ready yet, we’ll respect your choice. We won’t brain wash you, you had far enough of that!

All we seek is to Share Our Divine Love with All who wish to. This is our Biggest JOY.

We want no recognition and no medals, we don’t need someone else telling US Who We Are, for We already Know.

We came to bring the Light that we Are so that You cold See again the Light that You Are.

We won’t Shine on your behalf, We show You how to Shine Your Own Light, for that’s what You Are.

Anything that is not Light, is not True.

And we will not recognise it as we cannot recognize what’s not true. Illusion is what it is. Illusion.




I do speak on behalf of all Ascended Masters, those that walk the path on the Planet and those that walk the path behind the veil. I speak on behalf of Love=God as this is the Light that Shines in Me as One with God=Love. I speak on behalf of Our Mother and Father God whose Love is Eternal and Universally Everywhere Present, in and around you as it’s ALL THAT IS. I speak on behalf of the Divine Law when saying that Justice and Balance has to be restored on the Planet for All those that seek LOVE and Joy. Shall they All be Free to BE the Love they Are.

And I speak to All who want this Freedom=Love back: get off your knees and face the Light you Are. Nothing else is Real. Nothing else exists. Yours it is for Divine Will so praise God=You=Love and tale it back, as you already own it.


Be your best creation!


I AM Lady Portia, the Goddess of Justice and Balnce, Saint Germain's Twin Flame.



Thank you for Spreading this Message to As Many of Your Friends and Family as Possible and Join us Here at The Galactic Free Press




You understand why we are

Guest's picture

You understand why we are afraid so you must know that we want it more than not. It is always scary going into something that we can't remember, and it's difficult to do what we must do while living in this illusion but many of us are doing it anyway, with the hope and trust that it is not all in vain and that those who are in a deep sleep will awaken when more and more of the changes begin to happen. Even though it is scary going into the unknown, it is more scary staying where we are and possibly falling back in slumber. Please continue to assist those of us who are ready and those of us who think we are ready but afraid, so that we may lead those who haven't a clue or who are so afraid that they wish to remain in the comfort of their misery. More and more truths coming to the surface with more and more hearts converting to the light will make the difference. We're a quarter of the way through the last phase of illusion, it's time to speed things up. I'm ready and will work through the fear trusting that God's got this just as always:)


glr_Andrea's picture

Each and every Soul is as important as GOD, BEing it's own Love and Expression.


We're here to assist All. 


Thank you for Shining on and for going over your fears. That is what will set you Free.





Rain's picture

Yes, this is wonderful. This is powerful. Thank you.




acarpenter's picture

Please feel the Gratitude I/we have as there are no words in any language that can even start to express it!!!




Jinjugal's picture

What a beautiful message from our dear Lady Portia!  There is nothing to fear as we are never alone and are guided in each step.  The only thing you cannot escape is LOVE!  <3


strongwings's picture

Gratitudes for this beautiful message Lady Portia

Beloved Lady ANdrea...

AnaShyNa's picture

My Heart grew so much simply by feeling your words of pure love and compassion for every single soul on Gaia...

So Humble and Honored walking and standing next to You, next to FMGod, Next to Smiling Buddha, Lady Boo, Lady Dawn, Lady Lisa, Lady Maia, Lady Susan, Lady Linda, Lady Michele, A. Master Zeal Obama, Bill, Lady Eva, Sheldan.. AND many many of US who walked the walk, who talk the walk now in this physically...

Thank you for wonderful words of empowerment to All, where separation was just another old story that we will laugh about so much...
How we took it so seriously, so personally all the 'disturbing' and unpleasant events through our long history on Gaia...

Love you and Love every single word that comes from this wise and beautiful heart of Yours...

Your Predrag Saint Germain...

Your welcome

glr_Andrea's picture

Your welcome my Beloved One! My Heart's your Heart... so don't be surprised you're seeing yourself in it...


My Heart's yours, as is my Soul 


Ashvatha's picture

Master strokes of Divine Love.


Ashvatha Foundation- Community
Earth Stewardship Global Non-Profit
Melbourne Australia 3000
Ashvatha: www.ashvatha.org