~Very Strange Space Today~
I’m in a very strange space today and, talking with a colleague, discovered that he was in the same space.
Very peaceful.
Lots to do. I’m in danger of forgetting what there is to do. But still, overall, peaceful. If I do it, fine. If I don’t do it, fine.
Archangel Michael made a very interesting comment in the last reading:
“But you know, dear heart, what I will tell you is this. Just as I have worked with many of my allies, your sweet self included, and those of NATO, I now intend to bring peace into the hearts of those who are ruling the economic systems behind the scenes.”
You know, that’s true. I bet you he has worked with me (as with you) and made my heart more peaceful because I definitely do feel an increase in peace. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see that he has done this.
Not only that but I, and the colleague I was talking to, discover that we’re both completing things right and left. My colleague has the sense that he’ll be ascending. I won’t be, but it makes no never-mind. We both seem to be finishing up with 3D. No more interest in accumulating. Lots of interest in getting rid of stuff. Not much caring for keeping up appearances. We both just feel complete.
I might be light on news today. Perhaps the other editors will fill the gap. There are errands I need to run, all of which are about matters of completion, but even if there weren’t, I feel abstracted, drawn into myself. I actually feel like going to the garage that we rent and getting rid of things holus-bolus. If I could dematerialize it all in an instant, I would. I am finished with 3D.
I may have a nice, long bath.
I may go to my favorite Chinese restaurant and have a plate of beef and mushrooms on rice. Mmmmmm…. (That’s what Pat’s doing today.)
SaLuSa said a while back, if you want something, see it as already having happened. And before that, he said act up to the very best standards you can. Act as if you’re already ascended. Others have been saying this as well.
Alright, I know I’ll be among the last to go through the door. But I’m going to act as if I’m ascended already. If I were to say, “I’m an ascended master,” you’d know that’s absurd because I won’t be ascended until the rest of you are, so, if you’re not yet, I couldn’t possibly be. But nonetheless, I’m going to act as if I am. Perhaps for this day only. But for this day then.
I am already ascended. I have always, already been ascended. I am an ascended master.
Interesting experiment.
Very strange space today. Confident, unruffled, peaceful.
Great post! Thanks for sharing your inner peace... Less is more... :)))
Love Is All