Visionkeeper – Change

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Posted on August 13, 2012

Well, I’m a bit sad to say that autumn is fast approaching. All the yellows and browns of fall are creeping into the landscape as the vibrant, splashy colors of summer begin to fade away. I shall miss the warmth of the summer sun, the balmy breezes that blow the lace curtains about and the ever-present drone of cicadas and tree frogs. I cannot be too sad, however, because I so love the colors and smells of fall as well. The season is changing and so are we. We shall never be as we were at the start of 2012.

The whole world has taken a leap forward and we all view life through different eyes now. We have begun to learn how to open our hearts to each other and allow compassion to pump through our once icy veins. We have finally realized we were not walking our talk down the proper path towards peace and love around the world. We have learned first hand the debilitating effects of the illusion of lies we have been living under and who has instigated these lies for their profits. We have felt the rage and anger towards these lying controllers who have ruined our lives and stolen our bank accounts and homes, but we have also begun to learn forgiveness and to look for the good buried within the bad.

As painful as the downfall of this paradigm is, we have learned that in order to create change we must release the old that no longer works. We have found new courage to face the destruction head on finally knowing we are competent to create the new world that we have dreamed about in its place. We have learned we are far more than we have been led to believe, and we have learned to open our minds and search for more authentic ways of being. We have learned ‘stuff ‘ did not fill the voids we were feeling in our souls, that the voids we were feeling could only be filled by allowing ourselves to finally be who we wished to be, by recognizing our souls and reconnecting with them. We have begun to learn respect all of life and finally understand what we do to others we actually do to ourselves as well.

We have finally thawed our hearts and allowed ourselves to feel. We have begun to master our thoughts knowing now that what we think with our minds we create in our reality around us. To feel hatred towards others brings hatred to us, to think in terms of what we don’t have only brings us more scarcity, to live a life of greed only leaves us feeling we need more, to feel fear brings to us a life unlived and filled with limitations. We are seeing now that to feel joy and love for the world brings love and joy to our lives, we now know the more we give out the more we get in return, we finally are understanding how to trust the universe will provide for us and therefore we have nothing to fear and we can now grasp life with gusto and do or be whatever we desire.

It was difficult at first, but we are finally mastering the art of staying centered in our hearts and finding out the joy and meaning that brings to our lives. We at long last finally can see that all beings are equal and should be treated with respect. We all have the right to live our lives as we choose to live them, animals included. They were not put here on earth to entertain us or for us to abuse. They too are here to live the lives they desire. We have learned to tame our egos and do away with judgments, for who are we to judge if indeed we are all equal and have the right to live as we please? We have been practicing the fine art of going with the flow and allowing what will be to be. We adjust to whatever is and accept it now.

If we look back over all we have accomplished in a short period of time we should feel proud of our efforts and our abilities to open up to new ways of being. We have worked hard within ourselves to become better people and we have been able to reach out and offer our help to others so that they may grow as well. We have done so much and most of the time we don’t even see how far we have come unless someone points it out to us. But, with all of that said, we must not let our guard down, for our greatest tests lie ahead of us. We have learned a great deal, now we must see if we can put what we have learned into action.

The rugged learning curve is basically finished, now we must polish what we have learned and become adept at it. It is time to become still within and master the art of observing life. If we continue to go through our lives on autopilot unaware of what we are doing, we will have learned nothing. Being aware of everything around us, staying grounded to mother earth and staying in our hearts will be the rudder in our boat that will steer us to our freedom. We are almost there, we cannot stop trying now. Looking back we have come a long way, now it is time to put it all together and acknowledge we are powerful beings who can do anything we set our intentions on! Stay strong and focused for the end is in sight.

Blessings to you all,


