Visionkeeper - Comfort Zones…

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One World Rising Posted on

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This issue of comfort zones I am finding very challenging to work on right now. As we settle into life we tend to settle into routine as well and often those routines begin to tighten up and close in without our even realizing it. Our little worlds begin to close off and become smaller. I suddenly began to realize this when friends would call up to invite me to a party and I would find reasons not to go. My comfort zone had become home and all the millions of little projects I tend to get involved in. Leaving my space and facing a room full of people, many times most of them I didn’t know, became more daunting than I wanted to deal with. I didn’t think much of it until I realized I was doing that a lot and my world began to shrink further. How could I lose my social skills so quickly and without noticing? Now I must begin to undo the damage I have done. While it served a great purpose for me during my times of going within and working on myself, now it was becoming a hindrance. Time to relearn social skills and get back out so I can grow and blossom and not just ‘be’ in my small world.

It always surprises me how easily our lives can shift without our recognition. Somehow it just seems to creep in and happen.A great deal of this can be attributed to autopilot living and its serious pitfalls. As the world began to speed up its frequency we did as well. Everything began going by so quickly and we became like robots doing what needed to get done with little or no thought so we could be doing other things at the same time. Multitasking became a way of life, but in doing this we began to take less and less notice of our lives or what we were doing or thinking or feeling. There is little truth to that saying what we don’t know won’t hurt us. Quite the contrary. Look at where we all find ourselves today because we were not paying attention!

So how stringent are your comfort zones? Do they need expanding to incorporate more life into your living? It would be wise to take stock and see just where you are at. Expanding our comfort zones and our thinking keeps us in the growing mode and far more free from the clutches of the dark ones. Our minds are just like leg muscles, or ab muscles. If we do not keep them exercised they grow flabby and weak. Our mind muscle will grow weak without exercise as well. We stop thinking for ourselves or questioning things and instead just go along with the program on autopilot. The less we use our brain the more useless it becomes and the more easily we become to control.

We need to stay on top of our game, especially now. We need to keep our minds sharp and aware, our abilities able to flow outward beyond our limits, to be able to change as it is called for without undo stress, we need to be on top of staying healthy by eating well and getting enough fresh water. If we are healthy we require no drugs. We should be using herbal remedies over drugs anyway as they are safe and often times more successful at combating illness than drugs as they do not damage our systems. The core issue to all of these things is awareness! Stay aware of yourself, what you need, how you are feeling, what you are thinking and how well you are adapting to the new world, as the world is rapidly shifting and we must be ready to embrace the changes.The world is never going back to the way it was so we best accept what is. Stay awake and aware and be good to yourselves and we will make it to freedom!

Blessings to us all,


