Visionkeeper: Find your magic place to be

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Find your magic place to be

Posted on October 11, 2012

So where do you go to be alone and go within and be at peace? We all need to find a place to call our own where we can go to explore who we are at deeper levels and find out what matters most. Take a moment to create a space that allows your mind to unfold and relax. Be it a beautiful cave draped in beautiful flowers or sitting on the lid of the toilet seat, there is a space some place calling out to you. Add a candle and some familiar things that bring you comfort if you are inside and need to claim a space, if it is outside, find a place where you can get comfortable and let go completely. Do not bring music or any technical devices that will distract you. I know, the thought of sitting in silence with nothing to do but be with yourself creeps you out. Get over it! Outside in nature is the best place to commune with life but winter is setting in for many of us so a place inside will have to do until weather permits us to be outside sitting. If you walk in nature it doesn’t matter if it is winter or not, just bundle up and stay warm.

It really is time to find out who we really are on a much deeper level than what we are used to. We have hidden ourselves away behind labels and job positions and status in life. These things do not begin to tell us who we really are. We are far more than our jobs, or our marriage status or our economic standing in the world. Am I rich in spirit is a more worthy question to ask ourselves. Am I giving to the world and making it a better place to live with every action I take? If you sit quietly and ask yourself these type of questions you may by shocked by the answers you get. We have all been deceiving ourselves for a very long time because of the lies we have been forced to live. Time to regroup and rebuild.

So much of how we have lived our lives has been about ‘us’. We swirl around the centers of our being as if that is all there is of importance to take in. We create major problems for ourselves and that is where our attention stays, on things that are not really of importance except in the world of the illusion we are living in. It is time to get out of our heads and out of ourselves and look beyond to the others around us in this magnificent world. What do they need, what do we have to offer them, how can we make everybody’s life a little bit better?

Where is your place in this world? How do you see yourself? Are you complete and whole or in need of repair work? What is your purpose for being here at this time? What can you give to assist the planet in raising herself up to a higher dimension? Are you putting all the small intricate pieces together and coming up with the bigger picture? Who can you help, how can you help? It is no longer about US but rather about the whole of humanity. One small deed you do ripples out to affect the whole. For so long it has been all about US but now we must work hard to understand it is about everybody, for in the wholeness and prosperity of everybody, lies the foundational roots of the new world!

I do hope you will find a space to go and be still with yourself and find the answers to all of the many questions we are all grappling with. The sooner we find them the steadier we will be at our foundation. Self knowledge is the key and the key is what will open the door to the new world. We must know ourselves so we can be secure in who we are and able to stand strong in the storms that lie ahead. There will be tests to go through, moments of doubt to overcome, fear we must push aside, and we can do it all if we know our own strengths, stay strong in our hearts and offer love to all those around us!

Blessings to you all,


