Visionkeeper - Keep Climbing

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Keep Climbing…

Posted on September 10, 2012

I know everybody is getting tired now and it has seemed for quite some time now that something by the dark ones was going to happen, yet nothing has materialized. Thank God! It is the old waiting for the other shoe to drop scenario, only it doesn’t come and the unnerving wait continues.  We can’t seem to release our expectations for bad to happen at the hands of the dark ones. I would imagine there is the equal possibility that they are unable now to continue on with their mayhem. We give them such power in our minds, invincible power, nothing can stop them we believe. It is time we change our thought patterns and start looking on the bright side instead of into the darkness. Perhaps so much change has come about that for some reason we can’t see or contemplate, that the old days of destruction are a thing of the past. We really don’t know but I think it is time we start to think more on the bright side and stop waiting for the shoe to drop. Let us stop giving them the power they don’t deserve!

It is very hard these days. So many dark things taking place because of  Corporate America’s shove to get the last drop of blood out of the stone and squirrel away the millions for their nest egg. At this point they would need a dinosaur nest to hold all the wealth they have stolen from the world. Despite all the injustice we must keep climbing up the mountain towards the light and not only keep willing ourselves on but all those around us as well. We are in this journey together as one and we must remember that. We all need each other to successfully complete this journey to freedom. We are like survivors of tragedy who stick together in friendship because there are few out there that can understand what they have been through. We are the friends of the light until the end.

Seasons are changing now and for some the long winter is ending and for others it is close to beginning. On top of all the mayhem going on, we must see to it we are prepared for what lies ahead. Yet one more thing we must add to our to do list, but we must not cave in. We are being tested mightily and we must pass these tests with flying colors so we can progress to the next paradigm. The energies incoming to the planet have been massive and for so many they can speak only of exhaustion, needing more sleep, waking feeling tired as if they had never slept at all. We are changing as well as the seasons. Our entire system within our bodies has changed and is changing, adapting to higher frequencies and more energy.

Even the animals are showing the strain. So often now my cats are found laying flat to the floor as if run over by a steam roller and they stay there sometimes most of the day. They go out for a short while and do what cats do on the prowl then come back in, eat and crash out for the rest of the night. The crows have gone ballistic this summer, screaming and screeching non-stop, what are they trying to tell us? The sheep and the cows holler all day long and the deer are flighty and on edge. The weather continues to be odd and out-of-place as well, bodies of water around the world turning blood-red, continual volcanic eruptions and earthquake tremors rattling everyone’s nerves as well. Things are not normal and we can all see and sense it. we must find our centers and stand strong in the howling storm.

Yes we are tired and at times anxious but we must believe all will be well and keep envisioning the new world with all of our hearts. We are so close now, only months away from whatever December 2012 holds in store for us. We must see and taste and smell and feel our freedom for it is within arms reach.  I started this blog a year ago September 12 to record for myself what transpires on this magnificent journey. We have come such a long way since then and so much has changed. We have come together  to ride out the storm and be there for each other. We have accomplished much and there is still more we must do. We cannot give up now. Keep climbing and headed towards the light, stay in your hearts and battle on!

Blessings to you all,



