Visionkeeper - We Are The Lifeguards Of Our Lives…

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One World Rising Posted on

I believe one of the hardest lessons many are having to learn on this journey into our new world has been the understanding that we must go a large part of the journey alone within ourselves. We live in a quick fix world where we expect someone to be there to save us with a pill or a law or handouts which has left us vulnerable and disconnected with ourselves and our abilities to cope. Suddenly we are being told there will be no rescue, no handouts, no aid. We are told we must go on our solitary journey within and begin excavating for our souls/spirits and tossing out the waste as we go along. That seems like a very tall order to many who have had to rely upon themselves very little over the years. Of course that was the intended ploy of the dark ones, to provide everything we needed so we became dependent upon them and lost our abilities to care for ourselves.

We must be our own life guards and stand watch over our lives every day and every minute. We must keep watch for rogue waves that could come in and sweep us away into the illusions and drown us. We must be on constant watch for life’s riptides that pull us out into deep waters where danger lurks. We must pay attention for storms bearing jagged bolts of lightning that come out of nowhere and threaten to strike us dead. We must stand guard over the children as well that they don’t drown or get caught up in the octopus’ evil tentacles trying to hold on to them and pull them under into the dark world of mind control.

We have our row boats and life rings and paddles and whistles to aid us in our rescues if need be. We have always had them, but did not realize we did. We have our minds and we have our hearts as well as our awareness and intention to help us. We have these gifts and it is up to us to learn how to put them to good use. We are by no means helpless or victims. It is time to man our life guard stations and be on the alert not only for our own safety, but for lost souls as well, that need to be rescued and steered in the right direction, as well as staying afloat ourselves in rough seas. Times are not easy that is for sure, for ourselves or those around us. It is urgent we create community and begin to reach out to others instead of always trying to go it alone. It is time to venture out into our individual towns and begin to create ways of lifting up the sinking and depressed spirits of humanity and bring people back together to create the new world.

The masses are in a state of serious confusion and despondency. To many, life seems hopeless and unforgiving, but with our help they can begin to see that life is far more than they ever imagined and that it is up to them to create the change they wish to see in the world, just as we have had to learn. They must begin to learn again that it is they who have the power and it is mastered by opening their hearts to loving the world around them. It is time to grab our life boats and sail within ourselves to discover who we truly are again, as well as aiding others around us in finding their HOPE and rebuilding our broken world into one that is thriving with opportunities and a clear vision forward, fueled by our love and compassion.

Blessings to us all,

