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An intuitive message by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness
Your creative and expressive abilities can be clear and free-flowing, and all it takes is the willingness not to let the ego heavily influence your creativity or anything else you do to bring your planet into the light.
When it comes to channeling or conveying the intuitive guidance you receive from the greater aspects of your consciousness who want to help you spiritually evolve, releasing your mind-driven resistance and letting the expressions flow is the best way to produce a clear and coherent communication for others to benefit from.
Channeling or connecting with your higher self isn’t just meant to benefit the people who read or listen to the message later on – it’s meant to benefit the person who practices it by filling them with divine energy and inspiration and allowing them the creative freedom that comes with getting the ego out of the way and letting one’s expressions flow with no hindrances or barriers present.