The Voice Within: You’ve Achieved More Than You Realize

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Photo by PocahontasBrandy, 2014

An intuitive message by Wes Annac, The Culture of Awareness

Your mission entails doing what you can to bring yourself and your planet into the light, and the harder you work (and play), the more you’ll achieve and the higher you’ll raise the collective vibration.

You have to remember to stay in an uplifted space yourself before you can properly uplift the rest of the world, and this is why you’re encouraged to play as hard as you work; have as much fun as you can and remember to make life enjoyable for the people around you.

You can only do so much to improve the quality of life of the people around you, but you’re encouraged to make any effort you can, big or small, to uplift them and everyone else who’s in need of the awareness and upliftment you’ve come to earth to provide.
