Source: Volcano Discovery - 11/12/12
Sheveluch volcano
Sheveluch volcano in Kamchatka produced a moderate explosion with ash rising about 2 km above the volcano to an altitude of 14,000 ft (4.2 km) and drifting south. VAAC Tokyo could not identify the ash on satellite data, but issued an alert.
Low-level ash emissions continue from Paluweh volcano (Rokatenda). A recent Terra / Modis satellite image shows the ash plume at 6-8,000 ft altitude (2-2.4 km) drifting about 60 km to the west.
At Kilauea volcano on Hawai'i, the active lava flows southeast of Pu`u `O`o continued to advance across the coastal plain and may reach the ocean in the next few days, HVO reports.
Popocatépetl in Mexico continued to have an elevated number of emissions during 10-11 Nov (97 total) and produce occasional weak explosions, sometimes containing ash and ejecting glowing tephra onto the crater.
Fuego volcano produced 6 weak strombolian explosions during 10-11 Nov and the lava flow remained active with a length of about 400 m.
Santiaguito had 2 small explosions on the evening of 10 Nov from the lava dome, and the lava flows, apparently still weakly alimented, produced occasional small avalanches.
Nevado del Ruiz volcano, Colombia: Seismic activity has remained generally calm with the exception of a small regional quake earlier today and an elevated number of small earthquakes visible on today's seismic recordings.
The seismic swarm in the Tjörnes Fracture Zone north off Iceland continues with no signs of stopping, but even seems to have intensified over the past 3 days.