Volcanic activity world-wide 21 December 2012

Rain's picture

Source: Volcano Discovery - 12/21/12, By T

Plosky Tolbachik - current photo


No major changes have been occurring at volcanoes around the world. A few updates (less frequent from now on during the holiday time) include:

The eruption of Plosky Tolbachik volcano in Kamchatka continues at full force. Lava flows continue to be erupted from the southern fissure at Tolbachinsky Dol and very fluid lava is moving to the western side of Tolbachinsky Dol. A 5th cinder cone is growing on the southern fissure above of Krasny cone. Gas and steam plumes are rising to 3-4 km altitude. (GFP Note: see related video HERE.)

Tungurahua volcano in Ecuador has been a bit "calmer" today, but the volcano continues to produce a constant ash column and intermittent explosions of small to moderate size, some of which are accompanied by loud cannon-shot bangs and roars.

Popocatépetl volcano in Mexico remained with about 3 emissions per hour. A stronger one this morning produced a small ash plume rising 2 km.

Mild strombolian activity remains visible at Fuego volcano with with ash plumes rising up to 400 m and incandescent bombs thrown to about 100 m above the crater. The lava flow towards the Taniluya drainage can remains active and was about 300 m long this morning.

Paluweh volcano, Indonesia: The activity at the lava dome continues. An ash plume at approx. 6,000 ft (1.8 km) altitude could be seen on satellite images today. It was produced either by strong ash venting, explosions, new pyroclastic flows, or a combination of all.

MODIS satellite data revealed again a hot spot at Australia's Heard Island volcano. This suggests that some sort of activity continues at one of the world's most remote volcanoes.
