Volcanic activity world-wide 25 October 2012

Rain's picture

Source: Volcano Discovery - By T, 10/25/12

Fuego Volcano (left)

Popocatépetl's activity in Mexico remains stable with about 2 weak explosions per hour. Most of these only produce steam plumes, only the stronger ones are accompanied by weak ash plumes. Crater glow is visible at night and a significant SO2 emission indicates that magma continues to rise in the volcano.

Explosive activity from Fuego volcano is increasing in favor of effusive. Since yesterday, there have been 13 weak to moderate explosions with ash rising up to 1000 m. The lava flow towards the Ash Canyon is still active and now 400 m long.

A mild ash explosion from the Santiaguito lava dome occurred this morning with a weak plume rising to 3100 m altitude. Activity otherwise remains mainly effusive. The thick block lava flows that descend from the summit are still weakly active and produce avalanches of rocks detaching from their fronts.

Heavy rainfalls around Tungurahua volcano in Ecuador triggered lahars one of which damaged the Baños-Penipe road.

The seismic swarm in the Tjörnes Fracture Zone north off Iceland continues and the Icelandic Civil protection issued warning about the possibility of a larger earthquake.


Tjörnes Fracture Zone volcano
 Updated 10/26/12

Submarine volcano unknown summit elevation, North of Iceland, 66.3°N / -17.1°W

Nearby recent earthquakes (within 30km radius):

Earthquake list: past 7 days (1127 quakes)

all  M>3  M>4  M>5  | archive: show

Earthquake depth plot

To read the rest of this update, visit VolcanoDiscovery.com.
